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Brandon Satrom
Published © MIT

Reindeer Recon - A Notecard-Powered Tracker

A holiday-themed asset tracking project powered by the blues wireless Notecard and Notehub. io.

IntermediateFull instructions provided2 hours2,761
Reindeer Recon - A Notecard-Powered Tracker

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Blues Notecard (Cellular)
Blues Notecard (Cellular)
The Notecard is a cellular IoT device with no fees.
Blues Notecarrier A
Blues Notecarrier A
Notecarriers are prototyping boards that make it easy to get started with the Notecard.
2000 mAh LiPo

Software apps and online services

Blues Notehub.io
Blues Notehub.io
The Blues Wireless Service for Secure notecard-to-cloud dataflow.
Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure
Azure Functions for saving data to and retrieving data from an Azure CosmosDB Database.


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Reindeer Recon

Full Source for The Reindeer Recon project


Brandon Satrom

Brandon Satrom

14 projects • 66 followers
Making & breaking things in the IoT | DevX @blueswireless | Formerly @particle @telerik @microsoft | speaker, maker & optimistic nay-sayer
