I wanted to work with two technologies the Photon and Alexa. Since it was Halloween and everyone ask "What's that black cylinder on your counter" I decided to cover it up and make it a decoration.
Step 1:
Make a cheesecloth ghost, to do this follow these instructions.
*when you do this make sure it fits the Echo and is a lot bigger
Step 2:
Create spooky music. I used garage band but anything will work.
Step 3:
Upload your mp3 to soundcloud (this will make it accessible to your skill later)
*you have to add it to your RSS feed so it allows it to have a downloadable link
Step 4:
Create an echo skill, for streaming music.
*the tutorial is very easy to follow so i wont repeat it
Step 5:
Create a photon program to control your neopixel lights. I have attached mine at the bottom
Step 6:
Make sure the music and lights go together by tweaking timing
Step 7:
Add a call to your photon API in your Alexa skill so when you start your lambda it fires the photon.
Step 8:
Impress all friends and family that have an echo