Christoph Burgdorfer

Interactive Laser Projector Using Zigbee Sensors

How to use a portable laser projector to project on any surface interactively, using the Gravio Edge computing platform and Zigbee sensors.

BeginnerFull instructions provided2 hours2,628
Interactive Laser Projector Using Zigbee Sensors

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Google Chromecast
Nebra AnyBeam MEMS Laser Projector Developer Kit
Nebra AnyBeam MEMS Laser Projector Developer Kit
Joseph Joseph Hand Soap Dispenser
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
Gravio IoT Edge Integration Platform
For the Zigbee USB dongle and the sensors as well as the software (see below).

Software apps and online services

Gravio IoT Edge Integration Platform


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Christoph Burgdorfer
3 projects • 0 followers
