If you are searching for what are PWM pins in an Arduino board? Then this is the right place.
-PWM pins are digital pins on each Arduino that can give a variable amount of power that matches your needs. And they are usually used on some motors like the servo motors, and any actuator that you want to control the power given to it.
But in this project, I am going to show how to control a LED brightness using a potentiometer.
This project is made for beginners so I am going to use a block coding software that is more easier to use than Arduino IDE. It is called mBlock.
So, Let's start:
The first step is the wiring and here is the wiring diagram.
You need to connect the anode to digital pin 5 and the cathode to GND pin like this:
And then the potentiometer: the both pins on the sides are the same, one needs to be connected to the GND and the other to the Analog pin A0.
After wiring we need to code our board. So, First download mBlock(v3.4.11) from the mBlock website. And then follow these steps: