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Dr. Charif Mahmoudi
Published © GPL3+

Robot Controlled using HTML5/JavaScript and BeagleBone Green

The control of a robot may be painful as you have to develop specific clients for each mobile device. I propose a Web based control

IntermediateFull instructions provided6 hours13,970
Robot Controlled using HTML5/JavaScript and BeagleBone Green

Things used in this project

Hardware components

SeeedStudio BeagleBone Green
BeagleBoard.org SeeedStudio BeagleBone Green
Adafruit Miniature WiFi (802.11b/g/n) Module
Arduino Proto Shield
Arduino Proto Shield
Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L293D
Texas Instruments Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L293D
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Tamiya 70168 Double Gearbox L/R Independ 4-Speed
Tamiya Universal Plate TAM70098
Tamiya Tracked Vehicle Chassis Kit
9V Battery Clip
9V Battery Clip
9V battery (generic)
9V battery (generic)

Software apps and online services

Mobile browser


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Hardware configuration - Using BeagleBone Black instead of BeagleBone Green as the green is not Available on the tool

Picture of the configuration

Use BeagleBone Green instead of BeagleBone Black


Github sources

The source code of full-stack application


Dr. Charif Mahmoudi

Dr. Charif Mahmoudi

13 projects • 127 followers
PhD, Actually PostDoc. My areas of research are on distributed systems, cloud-computing, mobile computing, and IoT.
