Charles van't Westeinde
Published © GPL3+

Solar Hot Water diverter with automatic boost

Heats a hot water storage tank using excess solar energy, topping up with off-peak imported power when needed.

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Solar Hot Water diverter with automatic boost

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Through Hole Resistor, 120 kohm
Through Hole Resistor, 120 kohm
Electrolytic Capacitor, 470 µF
Electrolytic Capacitor, 470 µF
Espressif nodemcu 12e
Assuming you will be sampling both power and temperature on the same chip, a nodemcu esp32 is probably a better choice, as the 12e has only a single ADC input.
Through Hole Resistor, 10 kohm
Through Hole Resistor, 10 kohm
General Purpose Transistor NPN
General Purpose Transistor NPN
ac/dc pcb mount power supply 5V

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Solar Diverter schema


Library code

All (and possibly a few more) of the code libraries supporting the main .ino file.
No preview (download only).

Solar Diverter + reporting

Main .ino file containing the code for the Solar Diverter as described. Additionally implements a webserver providing a graphical representation of temperature and power history.
*	Obtain hotwater tank temperature, time-of-day and current power export.
*	Send excess solar power to the hotwater tank. Boost if necessary to reach
*	the daily target temperature.

#include <sys/time.h>                   // struct timeval
#include <coredecls.h>                  // settimeofday_cb()
#include <math.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>
#include <timeZone.h>
#include <signalSmoothing.h>
#include <ntoa.h>
#include <timeToString.h>
#include <stringBuilder.h>
#include <xmlBuilder.h>
#include <bugutil.h>
#include <wifiUtil.h>
#include <flash.h>
#include <bugutil.h>
#include <interpolate.h>
#include <keyvalue.h>
#include <svgTimeGraph.h>
#include <nmcu_DiverterGraph.h>
#include <warby_macros.h>
#include <math2.h>

///////////////////////////// Pin Assignment //////////////////////////////////////
//	source:
//									GPIO_0 	GPIO_2 	GPIO_15
// UART Download Mode (Programming) 0 		1 		0
// Flash Startup (Normal) 			1 		1 		0
// SD-Card Boot 					0 		0 		1
// When choosing GPIO pins to use, its best to avoid GPIO 0, 2 and 15 unless
// absolutely necessary. If you do end up using them, you'll need 
// pullups / pulldowns to ensure the correct bootloader mode. 
// You should also be aware of the fact that GPIO 0 is driven as an output
// during startup (at least with NodeMCU).
//  source:
//  GPIO  function  ESP8266  notes / restrictions default behaviour on boot recc. for sensors for flash for run
//  0 I/O, CS for normal run, must be HIGH during boot / reset (has built in pull-up) oscillates, than stabilizes HIGH after ~100ms NO  LOW HIGH
//  1 TXD reserved for frimware upload and serial monitor. not reccomended as GPIO pin  LOW for ~50ms, then HIGH  NO    
//  2 I/O built-in led (active LOW). must be HIGH during boot / reset / wakeup (has built in pull-up) oscillates, than stabilizes HIGH after ~100ms NO  HIGH  HIGH
//  3 RXD reserved for firmware upload and serial monitor. not reccomended as GPIO pin  LOW for ~50ms, then HIGH  NO    
//  4 I/O, SCL  safe pin (first choice) LOW YES   
//  5 I/O, SDA  safe pin (first choice) LOW YES   
//  6 - 11    these pins are reserved for mcu - flash communication, do not use!    NO    
//  12  I/O, MISO (SDO) quite safe pin  HIGH for ~100ms, then LOW YES   
//  13  I/O, MOSI (SDI) quite safe pin  HIGH for ~100ms, then LOW YES   
//  14  I/O, SCK  quite safe pin  HIGH for ~100ms, then LOW YES   
//  15  I/O must be LOW during boot / reset / wakeup (has built in pull-down) LOW NO  LOW LOW
//  16  I/O (no interrupt)  for sleep mode, connect to EXT_RSTB, on wakeup will output LOW for reset  HIGH for ~100ms, then falls to ~1V? NO    
///////////////////////////// Pin Assignment //////////////////////////////////////

// Defining available LED's here, because the value of LED_BUILTIN has been known change with updates.
#define LED_1			16		// D0, WAKE
#define LED_2			2		// D4, TXD1

/////////////////////////// time ////////////////////////////////////////////

static bool cbtime_set = false;	// Do we have a valid time-of-day?

static void time_is_set(void) {
  cbtime_set = true;

static void setup_ntp(void)
  configTime(0, 0, "");

/////////////////////////// Power declarations ///////////////////////////////

const int8_t 	analogInPin = A0;		// I: Reads measured or thermoStat temp
const int8_t 	ssrControlPin = D1;		// O: SSR control HIGH = "ON".

static	os_timer_t		ssr_control_timer;
	// Generates a PWM control voltage for the SSR.
	// Turn power on for nDivertCycles out of MaxCycles.

// PWM constants:

// Length of a cycle (msec)
#define	CycleLength		20

// PWM period length in cycles.
#define PwmCycles		36

// Load power
#define	Load			WARBY_HWS_LOAD

//Average Power contributed by every "on" cycle
// within the PWM period. (=100W)
#define PPP	(Load/PwmCycles)

// Target power range: try to get as close to "0" as possible
// dipping into import now and then should be more than compensated by
// minimising export.
#define MinExport			0
#define MaxExport			PPP

// Target temperature to aim for by TargetTOD
#define TargetTemp			67

// Number of degrees the actual temp lags behind desired to invoke full power
#define TempTolerance		2

// Temp just above where the thermostat kicks in
// In between TargetTemp and MaxTemp we limit power to prevent the mechanical
// thermostat from kicking in before the heat has been equalised within
// the tank.
#define MaxTemp			69

// Time-of-day after which only solar power should be used (secs)
// (start of peak tariff)
#define TargetTOD		(15 * SECS_PER_HOUR)

// Estimated temperature curve under full power.
// temp_curve[0] = final temp.
// temp_curve[1] = temp with 1 hr to go, etc.
#define	temp_curve_count	9
static const uint8_t	temp_curve[temp_curve_count] =
		{ TargetTemp, TargetTemp, 62, 57, 50, 40, 28, 14, 0 };

// Cycles per period to divert excess power.
static int16_t		nDivertCycles;

// Max cycles per period to prevent the thermostat from triggering early.
static int16_t		nLimitCycles;

// Power required to reach <minTemp> by <TargetTOD>.
static int16_t		nBoostCycles;

// The amount of power overload in terms of duty cycles.
static int16_t		nOverloadCycles;

// The final calculated number of cycles.
static int16_t		nCycles;

static uint32_t		nextTargetUTC;	// Next target time
static LowPass<1>		waterTemp(5);	// last recorded water temp.
										// rolling average over 5s to compensate
										// for ADC jitter.

static int16_t		currentImport;	// last recorded power import
static bool			haveImport = false;		//  <currentImport> is valid.

static ESP8266WebServer server(80);    	// Create a webserver object that listens for HTTP request on port 80

void handleRoot();              // function prototypes for HTTP handlers
void handlePage();				// Request for one of the graphs
void handleNotFound();

/////////////////////////// connections //////////////////////////////////////

// (local) service providing current "whole house" power import/export
//#define HTTP_TARGET	""
#define HTTP_TARGET	""
//static WifiManager	wm( "CnM", "isnochys", 15 );
static WifiManager	wm( WARBY_WIFI_SSID, WARBY_WIFI_PW, 300 );

static float minDesiredTemp( const uint32_t secsToHeat )
	// Minimum desired water temperature depening on how many seconds heating
	// time left.
	const uint32_t	wholeHoursToHeat = secsToHeat / 3600;
	if( wholeHoursToHeat >= (temp_curve_count -1) )
		// We're still before the start of the curve, return the lowest value
		return temp_curve[temp_curve_count -1];
	const uint32_t	wholeHoursToHeatSecs = wholeHoursToHeat * 3600;
	const LinearIP	ip(0.0,  temp_curve[wholeHoursToHeat], 3600.0,  temp_curve[wholeHoursToHeat +1] );

	return ip.y( secsToHeat - wholeHoursToHeatSecs);

static void updateOverloadCycles(  const int16_t curPower )
// Adjusts the reduction in power-cycles needed to limit overload.
// Increases immediately in case of overload, decrements every cycle if there is no overload.
	if( curPower > WARBY_POWER_LIMIT )
		nOverloadCycles += 1 + (( curPower - WARBY_POWER_LIMIT ) / PPP);
	if( nOverloadCycles > 0 )

static void updateBoost(const uint32_t	utc, const float curTemp, const int16_t curPower)
	// Check if it is still possible to reach <MinTemp> by <TargetTOD> at full power. 
	// If not, start increasing power from 0 to full over 15 mins.
	// Effectively we'll reach <MinTemp> between <TargetTOD> and <TargetTOD+15m>

	const uint32_t	localTime = ae.toLocal( utc );
	const uint32_t	nextTargetLocal = nextTimeOfDay( localTime, TargetTOD );
		// Time until which we may import power.
	const uint32_t	timeRemaining = (nextTargetLocal - localTime);
	// Now calculate the temperature we should be at, given the remaining heating time.	
	const float	targetTemp = minDesiredTemp( timeRemaining );		

	const LinearIP	ip(targetTemp -TempTolerance,  PwmCycles, targetTemp,  0.0 );

	nBoostCycles = ip.yc( curTemp );	

	(	"waterTemp=%.2f, targetTemp=%.0f, nBoostCycles=%.2d\n",


static void updateCycles( void )
//	Combines all the calculated cycles into a single number.
	nCycles = nBoostCycles;		// Always boost if needed.
	if( haveImport && ( nDivertCycles > nCycles ) )
		// Increase power if we have excess solar power
		nCycles = nDivertCycles;
	if( nCycles > nLimitCycles )
		// Limit power to prevent the mechanical thermostat from kicking in early.
		nCycles = nLimitCycles;
	// Reduce power if there is any overload.
	nCycles -= nOverloadCycles;

static void ssr_control_fun( void * )
// Runs on a 20msec timer, i.e. once every cycle.
// counts cycles, turns off power after the specified # of cycles,
// resets at the end of the PWM period.
	static int16_t		iCurrentCycle;	// Current cycle counter.

	// Turn on SSR until we have reached nDivertCycles, or when we need to boost.
	digitalWrite( ssrControlPin, iCurrentCycle < nCycles );

	// Give each cycle a number 0..PwmCycles-1
	iCurrentCycle = (iCurrentCycle+1) % PwmCycles;

void setup()
	pinMode(LED_1, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(ssrControlPin, OUTPUT);



	for (uint8_t t = 4; t > 0; t--) {
		Serial.printf("[SERIAL] WAIT %d...\n", t);
	Serial.print(F("compile date: "));
	Serial.print(F(" "));
	WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA);  // wifiClient
	server.on(F("/"), handleRoot);     			// Call the 'handleRoot' function when a client requests URI "/"
  	server.on(F("/page"), handlePage);     		// Return the specified page
	server.onNotFound(handleNotFound);        // When a client requests an unknown URI (i.e. something other than "/"), call function "handleNotFound"

	server.begin();                           // Actually start the server
	Serial.println(F("HTTP server started"));

	os_timer_setfn(&ssr_control_timer, ssr_control_fun, NULL );
	os_timer_arm( &ssr_control_timer, 20, true );// 20sec, or 1 phase.

float units_to_degrees( const int16_t units )
	// Converts ADC units into degrees C.
	// linear approximation from MCP9701 (thermometer) specs
	const float	V0C		= 0.4;					// 400 mV at 0 degree C.
	const float TC		= 0.0195;				// 19.5 mV / degree C.
	const float R1		= 119000;				// Voltage divider to ADC R2/(R1+R2)
	const float R2		= 101000;
	const float F		= R2/(R1+R2);
	const float UpV		= 1024;					// ADC units/Volt
	const int16_t zeroC = V0C * F * UpV;		// ADC units at 0C
	const float	dpu		= 1.0/(TC * F * UpV);	// degrees / unit
	const float temp =  dpu*(units - zeroC);
//	Serial.printf("ADC=%d, temp=%.2f\n", units, temp);
	return temp;

static void updateDivertCycles( const int16_t exp )
	// Updates nDivertCycles to match spare power.

	if( exp < MinExport )
		// Not exporting enough: reduce power.
		// To prevent a feed back loop, reduce power slowly for smaller differences,
		// but still fast for larger power mismatches.
		nDivertCycles -= M2::max( 1, ((MinExport - exp)/PPP) -2);
		nDivertCycles = M2::max( nDivertCycles, (int16_t)0 );
	if( exp > MaxExport )
		// To prevent a feed back loop, increase power slowly for smaller differences,
		// but still fast for larger power mismatches.
		nDivertCycles += M2::max( 1, ((exp - MaxExport)/PPP) -2);
		nDivertCycles = M2::min( nDivertCycles, (int16_t)PwmCycles );	

static void updateLimitCycles( const float curTemp )
	// Limit the duty-cycle when water temperature exceeds TargetTemp
	static LinearIP	tempToCycles( TargetTemp, PwmCycles, MaxTemp, PwmCycles/8 );
	nLimitCycles = (int16_t) tempToCycles.yc(curTemp);

// For testing.
//#define		POWER_ADJUST( x )	((x) + (PPP*nTargetOnCycles))
#define		POWER_ADJUST( x )	(x)

//#define		RequestURL	F("")
#define		RequestURL	F("http://"HTTP_TARGET"/read")

static bool updateCurrentImport(void)
	// Gets the current power-import from "fourquadrant_power"
	// Any kind of failure causes this function 
	// to report no power-data is available.
	// This causes the load to be turned off
	WiFiClient client;
	HTTPClient http;

	if (!wm.connect()) 
		return false;
		// We are connected to WiFi, get a power update.

	Serial.print("[HTTP] begin...\n");
	if (http.begin(client, RequestURL)) 
		// start connection and send HTTP header
		int httpCode = http.GET();

		// httpCode will be negative on error
		if (httpCode == HTTP_CODE_OK || httpCode == HTTP_CODE_MOVED_PERMANENTLY) 
        	char	s[128];

        	strcpy(s, http.getString().c_str());

        	const char	*value;

        	if( getKValue( s, "avpower", &value ) )
				// Got a value, adjust
				currentImport = POWER_ADJUST(atoi(value));

				return true;
        		Serial.println(F("Key not found"));
			Serial.printf("[HTTP] GET... failed, error: %s\n", http.errorToString(httpCode).c_str());
		Serial.printf("[HTTP] Unable to connect\n");
	return false;

///////////////////////////// WebServer declarations ///////////////////////////////////

///////////////////////////// Web Display //////////////////////////////////////

#define	STRINGBUF_SIZE	(2*8192)

class PageBuilder : private XMLBuilder
// Constructs page via the constructor,
// inheritance reduces the amount of typing needed.
    const TimeSeries		*pActiveChart;
    void button(FSH text, const int8_t iPage, FSH style )
	  if( iPage < 0 )
	  // no button
	  char url[16];

	  StringBuilder button_url_builder( url, 16 );

	  button_url_builder += F("/page?i=");
	  button_url_builder += iPage;
      		keyValue(F("href"), url);
      			keyValue(F("class"), style);

    void build
    (	const TimeGraph *const	pActiveChart,	// Graph to build a page for
    	int8_t					iPageLeft,		// Page the left button points to, or -1
    	int8_t					iPageRight		// Page the right button points to, or -1
      dbprint(F("entering PageBuilder::build: chart="));

      		  keyValue(F("http-equiv"), F("refresh"));
      		  keyValue(F("content"), pActiveChart->config.refreshInterval);
      	  node(F("title"), F("Solar Diverter"));
      	  writer += F("<!DOCTYPE html>");
      		  keyValue(F("name"), F("viewport"));
      		  keyValue(F("content"), F("width=device-width, initial-scale=1"));
      		   keyValue(F("rel"), F("icon"));
      		   keyValue(F("href"), F("data:,"));
      // CSS to style the left/right buttons
      // Feel free to change the background-color and font-size attributes to fit your preferences
      		   write(F("html { font-family: Helvetica; display: inline-block; margin: 0px auto; text-align: center;}"));
      		   write(F(".button { position:fixed; z-index:2; background-color: white; opacity:0.5; border: 2px solid; border-radius: 12px; color: black; padding: 4px 8px;"));
      		   write(F("text-decoration: none; font-size: 30px; margin: 4px 2px; cursor: pointer; top:13%} "));
      		   write(F(".left {left:5%} "));
      		   write(F(".right {left:90%} "));
      		 write(F("body { background-color: #fffff; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; Color: #000088; font-size: 16px } "));
      		 write(F("svg { position:fixed; z-index:1; top:0; left:0; height:100%; width:100% }"));
      		writer += pActiveChart->config.title;
				while( pActiveChart->getNextLine( &writer ) );

      	  SvgTimeGraph c(writer);*pActiveChart);

    	// Buttons
		  button(F("<<"), iPageLeft, F("button left") );
		  button(F(">>"), iPageRight, F("button right") );
      Serial.println(F("leaving PageBuilder::build"));

    PageBuilder( StringBuilder &writer ) :  XMLBuilder(writer) {};

/////////////////////// Request Handler implementations ///////////////////////////

static const char p1h[] PROGMEM = "Solar Diverter (1 hr)";
static const char p3h[] PROGMEM = "Solar Diverter (3 hrs)";
static const char p12h[] PROGMEM = "Solar Diverter (12 hrs)";
static const char p48h[] PROGMEM = "Solar Diverter (48 hrs)";
static const char p1w[] PROGMEM = "Solar Diverter (7 days)";

class HHMMSS_Label :  public TimeGraphXtickLabel
	// Writes the parameter as UTC HH:MM:SS
	void label( const int32_t v, StringBuilder *const pBuilder ) const
static HHMMSS_Label	hhmmssLabel;

class HHMM_Label :  public TimeGraphXtickLabel
	// Writes the parameter as UTC HH:MM
	void label( const int32_t v, StringBuilder *const pBuilder ) const
static HHMM_Label	hhmmLabel;

class HHMM_DDMMM_Label :  public TimeGraphXtickLabel
	// Writes the parameter as UTC HH:MM - MMM DD
	void label( const int32_t v, StringBuilder *const pBuilder ) const
		pBuilder->write(F(" - "));
static HHMM_DDMMM_Label 	hhmm_ddmmmLabel;

static TimeGraphConfig cfg1h  = {FPSTR(p1h), 180, 3600, 30, 6, 2, &hhmmLabel };
static TimeGraphConfig cfg3h  = {FPSTR(p3h), 180, 3*3600, 60, 6, 6, &hhmmLabel };
static TimeGraphConfig cfg12h = {FPSTR(p12h), 144, 12*3600, 150, 6, 4, &hhmmLabel };
static TimeGraphConfig cfg48h = {FPSTR(p48h), 144, 48*3600, 300, 4, 4, &hhmmLabel };
static TimeGraphConfig cfg1w = {FPSTR(p1w), 168, 7*24*3600, 600, 7, 4, &hhmm_ddmmmLabel };

static DiverterGraph    power1h = DiverterGraph( cfg1h );
static DiverterGraph    power3h = DiverterGraph( cfg3h );
static DiverterGraph    power12h = DiverterGraph( cfg12h );
static DiverterGraph    power48h = DiverterGraph( cfg48h );
static DiverterGraph    power1w = DiverterGraph( cfg1w );

static DiverterGraph  *apd[] = {&power1h, &power3h, &power12h, &power48h, &power1w, NULL};

void sendPage( const int8_t iPage )
  digitalWrite(LED_1, LOW);
  Serial.print(F("SendPage "));
  char *htmlBuffer = new char[STRINGBUF_SIZE];          // output buffer where we construct the message to send.
  StringBuilder  htmlBuilder(htmlBuffer, STRINGBUF_SIZE);   // basic string construction methods

  PageBuilder  c( htmlBuilder );[iPage], apd[iPage+1]!=NULL ? iPage+1 : -1, iPage -1 );
  server.send(200, F("text/html"), htmlBuffer);
  delete [] htmlBuffer;
  digitalWrite(LED_1, HIGH); 

void handleRoot() {                         // When URI / is requested, send a web page with on/off buttoms showing current state

void handlePage() {                          // If a POST request is made to URI /WAVE
  Serial.print(F("handlePage "));


void handleNotFound() {
  Serial.println(F(" Not found"));
  server.send(404, F("text/plain"), "404: Not found"); // Send HTTP status 404 (Not Found) when there's no handler for the URI in the request

///////////////////////////// Main Loop //////////////////////////////////////

static float heatingPower(void)
	// Calculates heating power based on global variables.

	return PPP * nCycles;


void loop(void) {

	server.handleClient();   // Listen for HTTP requests from clients
	const uint32_t	utc = utcTime();
	static uint32_t		lastTempSampleTime = 0;
	if( utc > lastTempSampleTime )
		waterTemp.nextSample(units_to_degrees(analogRead(analogInPin)), 1);
		lastTempSampleTime = utc;

	static uint32_t		nextLoopTime = 0;
	if( utc < nextLoopTime )
		// wait until the appointed time for the next
		// processing loop.
	digitalWrite(LED_1, LOW); 

	updateLimitCycles( waterTemp.curValue() );
	haveImport = updateCurrentImport();

	if (haveImport) 
		// We have a valid import value: adjust diversion power if needed.
		updateDivertCycles( -currentImport );
		updateOverloadCycles( currentImport );
		// Next loop in 10 sec.
		nextLoopTime = utc + 10;
		// http call failed. Try again in 2 sec.
		nextLoopTime = utc + 2;
	if( cbtime_set )
		// Check if we need to go to max power in order
		// to get the water to TargetTemp by TargetTOD.
		updateBoost(utc, waterTemp.curValue(), currentImport);	
		// We don't know the time. Half power irrespective of time
		// until TargetTemp
		nBoostCycles = (waterTemp.curValue() < TargetTemp) ? (PwmCycles / 2) : 0;
		Serial.println("[NTP] WAIT");	

	for( int i = 0; apd[i] != NULL; i++ )
	// 	feed the graphs.
		apd[i]->addSample(waterTemp.curValue(), currentImport, heatingPower(), utc );
	(	"haveImport=%d, import=%d, temp=%.2f, divertCycles=%d, limitCycles=%d, boostCycles=%d\n",
	digitalWrite(LED_1, HIGH); 


Charles van't Westeinde

Charles van't Westeinde

3 projects • 1 follower
Electronics engineer by education, software engineer by trade. Combining the two is my idea of fun.
