This project aims to design and implement a smart home automation system using IoT (Internet of Things).
"Unplugging Capitalism" is a VR experience powered by the Earth, where becoming a tree frees you from the demands of productivity.
The PowerPulse Inverter converts 12V DC to AC voltage using square wave pulses, offering modular design for easy troubleshooting and upgrade
A solid-state, low-cost, reliable solution for solar hot water from PV. Zero maintenance & CO2, connected, smart combi pre-heat control.
This project creates a real-power energy monitor using a NodeMCU module with ESP8266-12 and ADS1115.
How to build a wind turbine MPPT regulator within direct injection or battery configuration, 24V or 48V, 30A max. Update : V2 with a PCB.
This article shows how you can build a mobile application that connects to your RPi 3 using Bluetooth Low Energy. All code is JavaScript.
The objective is to find an easy way to implement RS485 on an Arduino Uno R3, then to adapt it to an ESP8266.
There are many charge controllers available, but ordinary cheap ones are not efficient enough to use with maximum power from solar panels.
A 7.5" e-ink display for displaying useful information such as news, weather, crypto prices, tube status and word of the day.
My aim is to minimize the loss of electricity there is when people forget to switch off their fans or lights, through smart home solution.
An electric furnace-air handler, arduino-based, controller.
This was an unexpected child, Lets take a look a real world transition from ESP8266 code. What changes when you swap horses?
The easiest way: install Parallax then upload the Arduino code.
An IoT device used to check the humidity levels of your houseplants. Low powered, rechargeable, and powered by Particle's Mesh devices.
Use the ATM90E26 highly accurate (utility grade) energy monitor ASIC to measure power usage with safe low voltage inputs.
Accumulation of moisture in a closed up space like a bathroom can lead to the appearance of mould, which can cause health issues.
Learn how to use Relay, Ultrasonic sensor and Arduino in one cool and easy project
The smart solution to control multiple zone heating in your house, Controlling the Floor Unit pump will save you over 150 Euro/Year!
Turn a Raspberry Pi into a home energy monitor with inexpensive components.
On this sample I would like to explain why PID-control should be used for speed controls and how the direction can be inverted.
Fresh, organic food is important! Grow your own in unused space and take care of it remotely. Plants and smarts are powered by the sun!
Get your essential appliances off the grid with just one solar panel
Electronic greenhouse controlled real-time, because the environmental conditions change continuously, so we need an efficient monitoring.