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Chip McClelland
Published © GPL3+

Smart and Safe Outdoor Plant Watering System. New for 2018

Monitors soil moisture and weather forecasts to give plants just the water they need. Safe garden hose hookup for season long watering.

IntermediateFull instructions provided5 hours24,529

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Custom fabricated PCB
OSH Park Custom fabricated PCB
Particle Photon
Chirp Soil Moisture Sensor
Adafruit Plastic Water Solenoid
Waterproof Enclosure
Outdoor WiFi Antenna 9dBi
Rainbird 1/4" tubing Irrigation Kit - Example
Adafruit Cable Gland
Outdoor 12V Power Supply
Plasticote for sealing the sensor
2-Wire Waterproof Cable Pair
5-Wire Waterproof Cable Pair
Full Bill of Materials
Silicon Tape

Software apps and online services

Particle iOS App
Particle - Android App
Weather Underground API


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Custom parts and enclosures

EAGLE Board File for V3

So you can send to your boardhouse.


Schematic Image for Non-EAGLE Users V3

Finite State Diagram V3

EAGLE Schematic for V3


Git Hub Repository for eCAD and BOM

The EAGLE files for the board and the BOM in CSV format


AquaMaster - Original functional code - Nested IF main loop

v0.4 when this document was written

AquaMaster FSM - Finite State Machine approach - Future development

This is a rewrite of the original code using a Finite State Machine approach making the code simpler and more reliable.


Chip McClelland

Chip McClelland

6 projects • 138 followers
I build connected sensors.
