Measure distances by connecting this device to your smartphone with an USB cable. It has an android app to show the measure. It can measure distances anywhere from 0.01 to 5 meters. Great of measuring 90 degree distances. As it has ultrasonic technology, it is not affected by lighting conditions like laser or camera measurement.
Assembling.The assembling is very straight forward. First the Arduino Pro Micro board has to be soldered to the board. Then, you have to bend the ultrasonic sensor's pins so that it has a 90 degree angle. Now solder the ultrasonic sensor to its place. It should be stacked on top of the Pro Micro.
Programming.I chose the Arduino Pro Micro because it is based around the ATmega 32U4. This chip has the ability to communicate as a keyboard to the computer.
The code is written on Arduino, so it has to be uploaded from the Arduino IDE. The board is called Arduino Micro on the IDE and it should appear under the Arduino AVR Boards section.
Upload the code and it's ready to use.
Enclosure.If you have access to a 3D printer, you can print a custom enclosure for the device. It is a simple model, it doesn't require support structures to print.
Application.To install the application, simply download the.apk file and open it. There is only support for Android devices.
The application has a simple design that can easily be understood.
To download the Application, Gerber or order the board, visit the project on Pcbway: