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Core Weaver
Published © GPL3+

Radio Alarm Clock - Full build Tutorial (open source)

Even if you're a beginner you'll be able to build this COOL Radio Alarm Clock loaded with useful features.

BeginnerFull instructions provided20 hours585
Radio Alarm Clock - Full build Tutorial (open source)

Things used in this project

Hardware components

please see the github repo for BoM

Software apps and online services

Firmware, UART tool, and LCD custom Char api


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Custom parts and enclosures

STL files for the 3D Printed Case

the back cover of the case

STL files for the 3D Printed Case

front cover for the 3D printed case

STL files for the 3D Printed Case

this is the main part of the 3D printed case

STL files for the 3D Printed Case

pot knob part_1

STL files for the 3D Printed Case

pot knob part_2

STL files for the 3D Printed Case

snooze button part_1

STL files for the 3D Printed Case

snooze button part_2

STL files for the 3D Printed Case

audio speakers mounting parts


Electrical Schematic

This is the schematic for the TH version of the PCB.


SW for this project

visit the github for the complete documentation and tools you'll need to build this project


Core Weaver
1 project • 2 followers


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