CS160 Course at UC Berkeley
One watch can really fit all the needs of the wild!
A journey down Bancroft
An exploration that ended in a text to speech converter for the visually impaired.
New smart watches for smart new moms.
Personal finance is easier than ever, thanks to the SmartWatch Accounting Gadget, or $WAG.
Sherry's "awesome" watch application design for CS160
Design assignment for CS 160
Smart TODO List for Busy Parents
Making the prototypes that look like it.
Design 01 - Changing the way we go about life
Researching smartwatch innovation.
Jared's app design project for a smart watch
Bike Buddy: a bike computer on your wrist that knows your schedule.
Divya's crazy watch experiments using iterative design process for CS260
A smart watch app that integrates all your social network accounts, phone calls and text messages