CS160 Course at UC Berkeley
First design assignment for CS160 UI class
Creating an accessible smartwatch app
Design Assignment 1: Observe/Interview, Brainstorm, Prototype, and Feedback.
Watch Design Prototype
First design project/hw assignment for CS 160 UI Design class by Maiki Rainton
First there was online banking, now there is onwrist banking.
Iterative Design of a Smartwatch Application
Results of interviewing potential users about smartwatches and their userfullness.
Intro to iterative design
Design assignment one.
CS160 Design 1 Assignment
Design01: a stress-reducer app.
My design cycle for creating a smartwatch app
Tells you if your friends or enemies or nearby
Prototyping my Piano Hero Application
Introduction to iterative Design
Designing, brainstorming and prototyping a smart watch application
Designing a solution to a simple, turn-by-turn walking gps app for a smartphone.
Prototyped new watch messaging app concept based on interviews with on-the-go users.
Prototype of a text application that can send pre-formatted text messages for phone calls that you can’t pick up
CS 160 Design Project 01