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Flame sensor with arduino

This project will use KY-026 sensor to see if there is a flame and print it in the Serial moniter

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Flame sensor with arduino

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino uno
Arduino Mega/Due/Nano will work
ky-026 Flame sensor

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Shematics for Flame sensor

D0 to arduino 7
VCC to arduino 5+
GND to arduino GND


Flame Sensor

// Flame Sensor Module

int LED = 13; // Use the onboard Uno LED
int isFlamePin = 7;  // This is our input pin
int isFlame = HIGH;  // HIGH MEANS NO FLAME

void setup() {
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); // put onboard LED as output
  pinMode(isFlamePin, INPUT); //flame sensor should be input as it is giving data
  Serial.begin(9600); //begin Serial communication

void loop() {
  isFlame = digitalRead(isFlamePin);//Readd the data gien by the flame sensor
  if (isFlame== LOW)  //if it is low
    Serial.println("FLAME, FLAME, FLAME"); //Print Flame Flame
    digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);  //LED on
  else                           //if not
    Serial.println("no flame"); //print no  flame
    digitalWrite(LED, LOW);    //off the LED

Flame Sensor

// Flame Sensor Module

int LED = 13; // Use the onboard Uno LED
int isFlamePin = 7;  // This is our input pin
int isFlame = HIGH;  // HIGH MEANS NO FLAME

void setup() {
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(isFlamePin, INPUT);

void loop() {
  isFlame = digitalRead(isFlamePin);
  if (isFlame== LOW)
    Serial.println("FLAME, FLAME, FLAME");
    digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
    Serial.println("no flame");
    digitalWrite(LED, LOW);


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