Charles Swger
Published © GPL3+

CarPal! Your automobile's OBD-II dashboard buddy

Securily connect your car to the Web with a MediaTek Linkit One to share location, record vital statistics and help fight air pollution.

IntermediateShowcase (no instructions)4,256
CarPal! Your automobile's OBD-II dashboard buddy

Things used in this project

Hardware components

SparkFun OBD-II UART adapter
SparkFun OBD-II UART adapter
SparkFun OBD-II Cable
SparkFun OBD-II Cable
Adafruit GSM antenna
Adafruit gsm antenna
Adafruit GSM antenna uFL SMA cable
Adafruit antenna cable, SMA uFL

Software apps and online services

PubNub Publish/Subscribe API
PubNub Publish/Subscribe API
Used to display live location on EON maps when desired and queue other auto data.


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CarPal software

Arduino IDE code for the MediaTek Linkit One CarPal project


Charles Swger
4 projects • 15 followers
Electrical engineer, sysadmin by day, hardware projects by night.
