Implementing Arduino CAN bus shield and digital speedometer to car's LCD-display in instrument cluster.
ObdiiUartMkrShield is a socket board for Arduino MKR board to talk with vehicles through ODB-II interface.
Version 2 of my lane detection system!
Android board computer for vehicles using UDOO
A window that tints itself according to how much light is incident upon it. You can also control the window with an iOS application!
A simple lane detection system I had developed a while back.
Having problems with your car speedometer?! Just build a GPS-based one.
Use a smart battery charger on up to 6 batteries - wave your hand to turn display on and check charging.
Who said autonomous driving was only for the premium car manufacturers? SonicDisc enables you to autonomously park like a pro for $10.
End-to-end demonstration of 3D object detection in LiDAR point clouds using a deep neural network running on the ULTRA96V2.
Control the position of the Servo motor with the Arduino and the potentiometer.
How to apply the TinyML approach to detect truck failure related to the Air Pressure System (APS) in a timely manner.
Application notes for Pmod CMPS2 and Arduino Uno. The 3 components of the magnetic field, module, & angle are displayed in serial monitor
With this simulator, you can develop an OBD2 device and related service on your desk without going to the garage.
TiWo, keepin' it cool
Step by step tutorial for a freeRTOS project on the Hercules TMS570LC43x and RM57Lx LaunchPads.
This system will help prevent accidents caused by drunk driving.
This project aims at controlling a car through a trajectory traced by the user on a screen running windows or android
A TinyML model to predict the Lithium Ion battery's life cycle within shorter time using Edge Impulse.
Record IMU and GPS data from your motorcycle with Arduino and the Android App! Recording gravity data has never been so fun!
Use Hologram's cellular network to monitor a fleet of vehicles using OBDII, Raspberry Pi, GPS, and GSM.
The final part of the project demonstrates how we create image processing pipeline in Petalinux and create a Vitis Acceleration Platform.
This is an Arduino Nano based scan tool designed to work with 8192 baud ALDL (OBD1) systems in the 87-88 Fiero.
Objectives of this project include self-driving on track, obstacle detection, and collision avoidance.