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Jussi Ristiniemi
Published © GPL3+

Digital Speedometer to Car's Instrument Cluster via CAN Bus

Implementing Arduino CAN bus shield and digital speedometer to car's LCD-display in instrument cluster.

IntermediateFull instructions providedOver 2 days39,430
Digital Speedometer to Car's Instrument Cluster via CAN Bus

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
16 MHz Crystal
16 MHz Crystal
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 4.75k ohm
Resistor 4.75k ohm
R3, R4 Bus Termination Resistors
Ceramic Disc Capacitor, 150 pF
Ceramic Disc Capacitor, 150 pF
Bus capacitors for EMI improvements
Ceramic Disc Capacitor, 18 pF
Ceramic Disc Capacitor, 18 pF
Capacitors for 16MHz crystal oscillator
Screw Block Terminal 5-R3.5

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Autodesk EAGLE
Autodesk EAGLE


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Can Bus Speedometer

Code for the setup with CAN bus compatible radio (Chorus)
#include <SPI.h>
#include <mcp2515.h>

struct can_frame canMsg, canMsg1, canMsg2;

int velocity,lv,uv = 0;
const int INTERVAL = 800; //  ms
const int REFRESH_RATE = 20; // ms
bool init_state = true;

const uint8_t ASCII [10] = {0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34,0x35,0x36,0x37,0x38,0x39}; // ASCII for numbers 0..9
const uint8_t SPACE = 0x20;
const uint8_t KMH_MESSAGE [8] = {SPACE, SPACE, 0xB, 0xD, 0x2f, 0x8, SPACE, SPACE}; //ASCII for '  km/h  '

const uint8_t AUDI_TTe [8] = {65, 117, 4, 9, 32, 84, 84, 5}; // "Audi TTe"
const uint8_t QUATTRO [8] = {113, 117, 0x01, 116, 116, 114, 0xF, 32}; // "quattro"
const uint32_t MASK = 0xD440000; // Mask for id 0x351 = 0b 0110 1010 00 1 <=> 0xD440000 = 0b 0110 1010 00 1 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 . Extended from 11 to 29 bits
const int SPEED_ID = 0x351;

MCP2515 mcp2515(10);

void setup() {

  canMsg1.can_id  = 0x261; // Message ID for the first row of the DIS
  canMsg1.can_dlc = 8;

  canMsg2.can_id  = 0x263; // Message ID for the second row of the DIS 
  canMsg2.can_dlc = 8;
  for(int j=0; j<8; j++){
    canMsg2.data[j] = KMH_MESSAGE[j];

  mcp2515.setFilterMask(0, 0, MASK);
  mcp2515.setFilter(0, 0, MASK);
  mcp2515.setBitrate(CAN_100KBPS, MCP_16MHZ);

void clear(){
  for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
    canMsg1.data[i] = SPACE; // Initialising the speed message (first row of                               
    canMsg2.data[i] = KMH_MESSAGE[i];;                     // DIS) with SPACES                        

bool is_received(int id){
  if (mcp2515.readMessage(&canMsg) == MCP2515::ERROR_OK) {
    if(canMsg.can_id == id){
      return true;
    return false;


void audi_tt(){
  for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
    canMsg1.data[i] = AUDI_TTe[i];
    canMsg2.data[i] = QUATTRO[i];
  for(int j=0; j<3000/REFRESH_RATE;j++){


void loop() {

    init_state = false;

  if (is_received(SPEED_ID)) {

      lv = canMsg.data[1];
      uv = canMsg.data[2];
      velocity = ((uv<<8)+lv-1)/200;
      velocity = round(velocity);
      if(velocity < 10){
      canMsg1.data[2] = ASCII[velocity];

      else if(velocity < 100){
        canMsg1.data[2] = ASCII[velocity/10]; // Splitting integer to single digits                                            
        canMsg1.data[3] = ASCII[velocity%10];
        canMsg1.data[2] = ASCII[velocity/100];
        canMsg1.data[3] = ASCII[(velocity/10)%10];
        canMsg1.data[4] = ASCII[velocity%10];

      int i = 0;
        if(i >= INTERVAL){

        else if(i % REFRESH_RATE == 0){
 // The car radio sends it own radio station data every 0,8s to
             // the instrument cluster, so I have to send my data with much                
             // higher rate, so the display won't start to blink

GALA Speedometer

Code for the setup with Concert-radio
Digital speedometer to Audi Driver Information System

Reads vehicle speed from Audi Concert Gala-wire (
Sends information to instrument cluster via Audi concert pins)

#define pulse_ip 2
#define enable 6
#define sck 7
#define sda 8

unsigned long ontime,offtime, period;
float freq = 0;
int final_speed = 0;
float speed_ = 0;
float circumference = 0.63719; // in meters
uint8_t header = 0xf0;
uint8_t command_byte = 0x1c;
uint8_t message [18], checksum;

// numbers from 0 to 9 in ASCII-form
uint8_t ASCII [10] = {0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34,0x35,0x36,0x37,0x38,0x39}; 

uint8_t KMH [5] = {0x20,0x4B,0x4D, 0x2F,0x48}; // ASCII for: ' km/h'
uint8_t SPACE = 0x20; // ASCII for: ' '

// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {

  pinMode(pulse_ip, INPUT); // pin for vehicle speed signal (GALA) 

  pinMode(enable, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(sck, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(sda, OUTPUT);

// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {

  ontime = pulseIn(pulse_ip,HIGH);
  offtime = pulseIn(pulse_ip,LOW);
  period = ontime+offtime;
  freq = 1000000.0/(period*2); // 2 periods per one wheel rotation
  speed_ = freq*circumference*3.6;
  speed_ = round(speed_);
  final_speed = speed_; 
  message[0] = header;
  message[16] = command_byte;

  message[1] = SPACE; // For alignment
  message[2] = SPACE;

  if(final_speed < 10){
    message[3] = ASCII[final_speed];
    message[4] = SPACE;
    message[5] = SPACE;
  else if(final_speed < 100){
    message[3] = ASCII[final_speed / 10];
    message[4] = ASCII[final_speed % 10];
    message[5] = SPACE;
    message[3] = ASCII[final_speed / 100];
    message[4] = ASCII[final_speed / 10];
    message[5] = ASCII[final_speed % 10];

  for(int i = 6; i < 11; i++){ // for alignment
    message[i] = SPACE;
  message[11] = KMH[1];
  message[12] = KMH[2];
  message[13] = KMH[3];
  message[14] = KMH[4];

  message[15] = SPACE;

  checksum = 0;
  for(int j = 0; j < 17; j++){
    checksum += message[j];
  checksum ^= 0xff;
  message[17] = checksum;

  digitalWrite(enable, HIGH);

  // Sending the data
  for(int i = 0; i < 18; i++){
    uint8_t data = message[i];

    for(int k = 0; k < 8; k++){

      if(data & 0x80){
        digitalWrite(sda, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(sda, LOW);
      digitalWrite(sck, LOW);
      digitalWrite(sck, HIGH);
      data <<=1; //Shifting 1 left
    digitalWrite(enable, LOW);


Jussi Ristiniemi
0 projects • 10 followers


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