Jessica HeiderDavid CuevasSalvador Baca
Published © GPL3+


TiWo, keepin' it cool

IntermediateFull instructions provided2,733

Things used in this project

Hardware components

MSP-EXP432P401R SimpleLink MSP432 LaunchPad
Texas Instruments MSP-EXP432P401R SimpleLink MSP432 LaunchPad
SainSmart 2-Channel 5V Relay Module
Power Window Motor
Grove Base BoosterPack
Rain Sensor Rainwater Module Rain Detection Module
HC-05 Bluetooth Module
HC-05 Bluetooth Module
Grove - Temperature&Humidity Sensor Pro
Grove - 4-Digit Display

Software apps and online services

Texas Instruments Energia
Android Studio
Android Studio

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Screw Drive
Soldering Gun
Wire stripper


Read more



Tiwo's Schematic Drawing


Block Diagram

TiWo: The Display

TiWo: Setup

TiWo: The App


TiWo App

This app controls the TiWo system. It connects the user's phone to the Bluetooth module and allows the user to monitor the system. Using the app, the user can open/close the windows while they are away from their car..

        import android.os.Bundle;

        import java.util.UUID;

        import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter;
        import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice;
        import android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket;
        import android.content.Intent;

        import android.os.Handler;
        import android.view.View;
        import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
        import android.widget.TextView;
        import android.widget.Toast;
        import android.widget.ToggleButton;

public class MainActivity extends Activity

    ToggleButton toggleButton;
    TextView windowView0, tempView0, tempView1, rain;
    Handler bluetoothIn;

    final int handlerState = 0;                        //used to identify handler message
    private BluetoothAdapter btAdapter = null;
    private BluetoothSocket btSocket = null;
    private StringBuilder recDataString = new StringBuilder();

    private ConnectedThread mConnectedThread;

    // SPP UUID service - this should work for most devices
    private static final UUID BTMODULEUUID = UUID.fromString("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB");

    // String for MAC address
    private static String address;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)


        //Link the buttons and textViews to respective views
        toggleButton = (ToggleButton) findViewById(;
        windowView0 = (TextView) findViewById(;
        tempView0 = (TextView) findViewById(;
        tempView1 = (TextView) findViewById(;
        rain = (TextView) findViewById(;

        bluetoothIn = new Handler()
            public void handleMessage(android.os.Message msg)
                if (msg.what == handlerState)                                //if message is what we want
                    String readMessage = (String) msg.obj;                   // msg.arg1 = bytes from connect thread
                    recDataString.append(readMessage);                      //keep appending to string until ~

                    int endOfLineIndex = recDataString.indexOf("~");         // determine the end-of-line

                    if (endOfLineIndex > 0)
                    {                                           // make sure there is data before ~

                        String dataInPrint = recDataString.substring(3, endOfLineIndex);  //extract string that is received

                        int dataLength = dataInPrint.length();                          //get length of data received

                        //cases depending on what is sent through Bluetooth

                       if (recDataString.charAt(2) == 'i')      //receive 'i' for inside temperature, format: i##
                           tempView0.setText("Inside Temperature = " + dataInPrint + "C");
                        else if (recDataString.charAt(2) == 'o')    //receive 'o' for outside temperature, format: o##
                            tempView1.setText("Outside Temperature = " + dataInPrint + "C");
                        else if (recDataString.charAt(2) == 'x')     //receive 'x' when window is closed
                            windowView0.setText("Window is closed.");
                            Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Windows rolled up.",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                        else if (recDataString.charAt(2) == 'h') {     // receive 'h' when window is opened
                            windowView0.setText(" Window is open.");
                            Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Windows rolled down.",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

                        else if (recDataString.charAt(2) == 'w')    //receive 'w' when it is raining
                            rain.setText("It is raining.");
                            windowView0.setText("Window is closed.");
                            Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Windows rolled up.",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                        else if (recDataString.charAt(2) == 'd')    //receive 'd' when it is not raining
                            rain.setText("It is not raining.");
                        else if (recDataString.charAt(2) == 'b')    //receive 'b' when outside temp is greater than inside
                            Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "It's getting hot!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                        else if (recDataString.charAt(2) == 'c')    //receive 'c' when inside temp is less than outside
                            Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "It's cooling down!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                        //otherwise do nothing

                        recDataString.delete(0, recDataString.length());                    //clear all string data


        btAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();       // get Bluetooth adapter

    public void toggleWindows(View view)
        boolean on = ((ToggleButton) view).isChecked();

        if (on)
            mConnectedThread.write("1"); //send "1" via Bluetooth to roll down windows
            mConnectedThread.write("0"); //send "0" via Bluetooth to open windows

    private BluetoothSocket createBluetoothSocket(BluetoothDevice device) throws IOException
        return  device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(BTMODULEUUID);  //creates secure outgoing connecetion with BT device using UUID

    public void onResume()

        address = "20:15:05:20:18:01";             //MAC address for Bluetooth module

        //create device and set the MAC address
        BluetoothDevice device = btAdapter.getRemoteDevice(address);

            btSocket = createBluetoothSocket(device);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Socket creation failed", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        // Establish the Bluetooth socket connection.
        } catch (IOException e)
            } catch (IOException e2)
                //insert code to deal with this
        mConnectedThread = new ConnectedThread(btSocket);

        //I send a character when resuming.beginning transmission to check device is connected
        //If it is not an exception will be thrown in the write method and finish() will be called


    public void onPause()

            //Don't leave Bluetooth sockets open when leaving activity
        } catch (IOException e2) {
            //insert code to deal with this


    //Checks that the Android device Bluetooth is available and prompts to be turned on if off
    private void checkBTState() {

        if(btAdapter==null) {
            Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Device does not support bluetooth", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        } else {
            if (btAdapter.isEnabled())
            {int x=0;
            else {
                Intent enableBtIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE);
                startActivityForResult(enableBtIntent, 1);

    //create new class for connect thread
    private class ConnectedThread extends Thread {
        private final InputStream mmInStream;
        private final OutputStream mmOutStream;

        //creation of the connect thread
        public ConnectedThread(BluetoothSocket socket) {
            InputStream tmpIn = null;
            OutputStream tmpOut = null;

            try {
                //Create I/O streams for connection
                tmpIn = socket.getInputStream();
                tmpOut = socket.getOutputStream();
            } catch (IOException e) { }

            mmInStream = tmpIn;
            mmOutStream = tmpOut;

        public void run() {
            byte[] buffer = new byte[256];
            int bytes;

            // Keep looping to listen for received messages
            while (true) {
                try {
                    bytes =;            //read bytes from input buffer
                    String readMessage = new String(buffer, 0, bytes);
                    // Send the obtained bytes to the UI Activity via handler
                    bluetoothIn.obtainMessage(handlerState, bytes, -1, readMessage).sendToTarget();
                } catch (IOException e) {

        //write method
        public void write(String input) {
            byte[] msgBuffer = input.getBytes();           //converts entered String into bytes
            try {
                mmOutStream.write(msgBuffer);                //write bytes over BT connection via outstream
            } catch (IOException e) {
                //if you cannot write, close the application
                Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Connection Failure", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


TiWo Energia

Manages Bluetooth communication, two temperature and humidity sensors, two 7 segment displays, water sensor, and two relays.
#include <TM1637.h>
#include <DHT.h>
#include <TM1638.h>
#include <DHT1.h>

 *                           Salvador Baca  
 *                    Bluetooth HC-05 Communication
 *                          TM1637 7 Segment LED
 *                        DHT Temperature Sensor
 *                            Water Sensor
 *                            07/09/2015
 * 	                ______________________
 * 			|		     |
 *    Bluetooth ----->	|P3.2 RX	     |
 *    Bluetooth	<-----	|P3.3 TX	     |
 * 	Water	----->	|P6.1		     | 
 * 	Display	<-----	|P4.0		 P2.5|<------ Relay WindowDown 
 *      Display	<-----	|P4.2	         P3.0|------->Relay WindowUp
 * Temperaturei	----->	|6.5	         P2.4|------>Display
 * Temperatureo	----->  |6.4		 P5.6|------>Display
 * 			|                    |
 * 			---------------------|

 *  The program performs the following tasks:
 *  If the program receives a "1" it will turn on Green LED and send temperature inside and outside information
 *  It the program receives a "0" it will turn off Green LED
 *  If the program temperaure inside car(t_bits[]) higher than temperature outside(tt_bits[]); it will open window
 *  If the program temperaure inside car(t_bits[]) lower than temperature outside(tt_bits[]); it will close window
//MACRO Define Sensors 1
#define CLK  25                          //4-digital display clock pin yellow                
#define DIO  24                          //4-digital display data pin white
#define Water  6                        //Water Sensor Pin 
#define BLINK_LED  RED_LED              //Blink LED
#define TEMP_HUMI_PIN  9                //Pin of temperature&humidity sensor

//MACRO Define Sensors 2
#define CLK1  37                          //4-digital display clock pinP5.6                   
#define DIO1  38                          //4-digital display data pin
#define BLINK_LED 2                       //Blink LED
#define TEMP_PIN  10                      //Pin of temperature&humidity sensor

//Macro Define for Relays
#define WindowUp 18
#define WindowDown 19

/*Global Variables  Sensor 1*/
TM1637 TM1637(CLK, DIO);                //4-digital display object
DHT DHT(TEMP_HUMI_PIN, DHT22);          //Temperature&humidity sensor object
int8_t t_bits[2] = {0};                 //Array to store the single bits of the temperature
int8_t h_bits[2] = {0};                 //Array to store the single bits of the humidity

/*Global Variables Sensor 2*/
TM1638 TM1638(CLK1, DIO1);               //4-digital display object
DHTT DHTT(TEMP_PIN, DHT22);              //Temperature&humidity sensor object
int8_t tt_bits[2] = {0};                 //Array to store the single bits of the temperature
int8_t hh_bits[2] = {0};                 //Array to store the single bits of the humidity

/*Initialize Strings that will be sent to app*/
String temp = "";                       //Initialize String
String temp1 = "";                      //Initialize String
String tempi = "";                      //Initialize string temperature inside
String tempo = "";                      //Initialize string temperature outside

//Flags to keep track of actions

int state = 0;          //Store value received trough bluetooth
int flag = 0;           //Flag that indicates that feedback has been sent to terminal
int temp_hot =1;        //Flag to let us know that HOT signal was already sent
int temp_sent =0;       //Flag to let us know that Temp signal was already sent when opening window
int temp_sent2 =0;      //Flag to let us know that Temp signal was already sent when closing window
int WaterState =0;      //Flag to let us know if it is raining
int Water_flag =0;      //Flag to let us know that Water signal was already sent
int WindowStatus =1;    //Allows me to keep track of where window is

void setup()
  /*Setup for temperature Sensor 1*/
  TM1637.init();                  //Initialize 4-digital display
   TM1637.set(BRIGHT_TYPICAL);    //Temperature&humidity sensor object
   TM1637.point(POINT_ON);        //Light the Clock point ":"
  DHT.begin();                    //Initialize temperature and humidity sensor
  pinMode(RED_LED, OUTPUT);       //Declare the red_led pin as an OUTPUT     
  /*Setup for temperature Sensor 2*/

  TM1638.init();                  //Initialize 4-digital display
   TM1638.set(BRIGHT_TYPICAL);    //Temperature&humidity sensor object
   TM1638.point(POINT_ON);        //Light the Clock point ":"
  DHTT.begin();                    //Initialize temperature and humidity sensor
  pinMode(BLINK_LED, OUTPUT);       //Declare the red_led pin as an OUTPUT         
  /*Initialize Pinmodes*/
  pinMode(GREEN_LED, OUTPUT);      //Set Green LED as an output
  digitalWrite(GREEN_LED, LOW);    //Turn off Green LED
  pinMode(Water, INPUT);               //Pin 6 as an input  
  pinMode(WindowUp, OUTPUT);      //Set Window as an output
  pinMode(WindowDown, OUTPUT);      //Set Window pin as an output

  Serial1.begin(9600);            //Set baud rate at 9600

void loop() 
  /*Set up for temperature Sensor 1*/
  int _temperature= DHT.readTemperature();                    //Read the temperature value from temperature sensor
  int _humidity = DHT.readHumidity();                         //Read the humidity value from humidity sensor
  memset(t_bits, 0, 2);                                       //Reset Array once used
  memset(h_bits, 0, 2);
  t_bits[0] = _temperature % 10;                              //4-digital-display [0,1] is used to display temperature
  _temperature /= 10;
  t_bits[1] = _temperature % 10;                              //4-digital-display [2,3] is used to display temperature
  h_bits[0] = _humidity % 10;
  _humidity /= 10;
  h_bits[1] = _humidity % 10;
  /*Set up for temperature Sensor 2 */
  int _temperature1= DHTT.readTemperature();                    //Read the temperature value from temperature sensor
  int _humidity1 = DHTT.readHumidity();                         //Read the humidity value from humidity sensor
  memset(tt_bits, 0, 2);                                       //Reset Array once used
  memset(hh_bits, 0, 2);
  tt_bits[0] = _temperature1 % 10;                              //4-digital-display [0,1] is used to display temperature
  _temperature1 /= 10;
  tt_bits[1] = _temperature1 % 10;                              //4-digital-display [2,3] is used to display temperature
  hh_bits[0] = _humidity1 % 10;
  _humidity1 /= 10;
  hh_bits[1] = _humidity1 % 10;
  WaterState = digitalRead(Water);                                 //Read Pin 6 to check temperature sensor
  temp = String(t_bits[1]) + String(t_bits[0]) + "~";          //Concatenate into a single string to be sent to the app
  temp1 = String(tt_bits[1]) + String(tt_bits[0]) + "~";        //Concatenate into a single string to be sent to the app
    if(Serial1.available() > 0)
    state =;         //store value received to state to later compare. 
    flag = 0;
  if(state == '0')  /***When we want to close the window***/

    digitalWrite(GREEN_LED, LOW);  //Turn off green LED
    if((temp_sent2 == 0)&&(WaterState == 1))
        Serial1.println("");        //Output on terminal   
        Serial1.print("x~");        //Output on terminal
        delay(500);                   //Delay .5 Sec    
        Serial1.println("");        //Output on terminal 
        tempi = String( "i" + temp);
        Serial1.print(tempi);        // Display temperature inside on app
        delay(500);                   //Delay .5 Sec    
        Serial1.println("");        //Output on terminal 
        tempo = String( "o" + temp1);//Temperature outside Sensor two
        Serial1.print(tempo);        // Display temperature inside on app
        delay(500);                   //Delay .5 Sec 
        if(WindowStatus == 2)//When window is fully open
              /***********************Fully Close*************************************/
              /***********************Use 3.1 Sec Delay*******************************/

                    digitalWrite(WindowDown, HIGH); //Turn on green LED
                    digitalWrite(WindowUp, LOW); //Turn on green LED
                    delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
                    delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
                    delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
                    delay(100);                   //Delay 1 Sec
                    digitalWrite(WindowUp, HIGH); //Turn on green LED
            digitalWrite(WindowDown, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  
            digitalWrite(WindowUp, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  
                    delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
                    WindowStatus = 1;
        else if(WindowStatus == 3)//When Window is Partially Open 
            /**********Partially Close*************************************************/
            /********************** Use .38 Delay***************************************/

                  digitalWrite(WindowDown, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  
                  digitalWrite(WindowUp, LOW); //Turn on green LED
                  delay(380);                   //Delay 1 Sec
                  digitalWrite(WindowUp, HIGH); //Turn on green LED
                  delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
                  WindowStatus = 1;
            digitalWrite(WindowDown, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  
            digitalWrite(WindowUp, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  



        temp_sent2 =1;             //Set Flag to let MSP know that temperature and signal was sent
    temp_sent = 0;           //Re-initilialize flag for window up    
    if(flag == 0)
      flag =1;

      else if(state =='1')/***Window Open***/
     digitalWrite(GREEN_LED, HIGH); //Turn on green LED
     delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
     digitalWrite(GREEN_LED, LOW);  //Turn off green LED

     if((temp_sent == 0)&&(WaterState == 1))

       Serial1.println("");        //Output on terminal 
       Serial1.print("h~");        //Output on terminal
       delay(500);                   //Delay .5 Sec
        Serial1.println("");          //Output on terminal 
        tempi = String( "i" + temp); //Concatenate i +temp bits + ~
        Serial1.print(tempi);         // Display temperature inside on app
        delay(500);                   //Delay .5 Sec    
        Serial1.println("");           //Output on terminal 
        tempo = String( "o" + temp1); //Temperature outside Sensor two
        Serial1.print(tempo);          // Display temperature inside on app
        if(WindowStatus == 1)//When Window is fully Closed 
            /********************** Fully Close***************************************/ 
            /********************** Use 2.360 Delay***************************************/
                  digitalWrite(WindowUp, HIGH); //Turn on green LED
                  digitalWrite(WindowDown, LOW); //Turn on green LED
                  delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
                  delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
                  delay(360);                   //Delay 1 Sec
                  digitalWrite(WindowDown, HIGH); //Turn on green LED
                  delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
                  WindowStatus = 2;
                  digitalWrite(WindowDown, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  
                  digitalWrite(WindowUp, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  


        else if(WindowStatus ==3)
          /********************** Open from partially open*****************************/ 
          /********************** Use 2.120Delay***************************************/
                digitalWrite(WindowUp, HIGH); //Make Sure Relay 2 is off
                digitalWrite(WindowDown, LOW); //Roll window Down
                delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
                delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
                delay(120);                   //Delay 1 Sec
                digitalWrite(WindowDown, HIGH); //Stop Rolling Window Down
                delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
                WindowStatus = 2;
                digitalWrite(WindowDown, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  
                digitalWrite(WindowUp, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  

         temp_sent =1;            //Set Flag to let MSP know that temperature and signal was sent
    temp_sent2 = 0;        //Re-initilialize flag for window down       
    if(flag == 0)
      flag =1;
 /**************************     *Code to monitor rain Sensor*           *******************/
  if((WaterState == 0) && (Water_flag == 0))              /***Check when water is sensed***/
    //Serial1.println("Water!!!");  //Output on terminal 
    Serial1.println("");        //Output on terminal 
    Serial1.print("w~");        //Output on terminal
    delay(500);                   //Delay .5 Sec
        if(WindowStatus == 2)//When window is fully open
              /***********************Fully Close*************************************/
              /***********************Use 3.1 Sec Delay*******************************/

                    digitalWrite(WindowDown, HIGH); //Turn on green LED
                    digitalWrite(WindowUp, LOW); //Turn on green LED
                    delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
                    delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
                    delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
                    delay(100);                   //Delay 1 Sec
                    digitalWrite(WindowUp, HIGH); //Turn on green LED
            digitalWrite(WindowDown, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  
            digitalWrite(WindowUp, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  
                    delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
                    WindowStatus = 1;
        else if(WindowStatus == 3)//When Window is Partially Open 
            /**********Partially Close*************************************************/
            /********************** Use .38 Delay***************************************/

                  digitalWrite(WindowDown, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  
                  digitalWrite(WindowUp, LOW); //Turn on green LED
                  delay(380);                   //Delay 1 Sec
                  digitalWrite(WindowUp, HIGH); //Turn on green LED
                  delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
                  WindowStatus = 1;
            digitalWrite(WindowDown, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  
            digitalWrite(WindowUp, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  


    temp_sent2 =0;             //Set Flag to let MSP know that temperature and signal was sent
    Water_flag = 1;              //Water Flag to prevent sending too many signals
  if((WaterState == 1) && (Water_flag == 1))            /***Check when it stops raining***/
    Serial1.println("");        //Output on terminal 
    Serial1.print("d~");        //Output on terminal   
    delay(500);                   //Delay .5 Sec
    Water_flag = 0;              //Reset water Flag to prevent sending too many signals
/**************************     *Code to monitor temperature inside and outside car*           *******************/
  if((t_bits[1] > tt_bits[1]) &&(temp_hot ==0)&&(WaterState == 1))                /*** Temperature inside the car is hotter than outside temperature**/
    //Serial1.println("HOT!!!");  //Output on terminal 
    Serial1.println("");        //Output on terminal 
    Serial1.print("b~");        //Output on terminal   
    delay(500);                   //Delay .5 Sec    
    Serial1.println("");        //Output on terminal 
    tempi = String( "i" + temp);
    Serial1.print(tempi);        // Display temperature inside on app

    delay(500);                   //Delay .5 Sec    
    Serial1.println("");        //Output on terminal 
    tempo = String( "o" + temp1);//Temperature outside Sensor two
    Serial1.print(tempo);        // Display temperature inside on app
    if(WindowStatus == 1)//When Window is fully closed 
      /********************** Use .3 Delay***************************************/

      digitalWrite(WindowUp, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  
      digitalWrite(WindowDown, LOW); //Turn on green LED
      delay(300);                   //Delay 1 Sec

      digitalWrite(WindowDown, HIGH); //Turn on green LED
      delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
      digitalWrite(WindowDown, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  
      digitalWrite(WindowUp, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  

    if(WindowStatus == 2)//If Window is fully 
      /***********************Fully Close*************************************/
      /***********************Use 3.1 Sec Delay*************************************/
            digitalWrite(WindowDown, HIGH); //Turn on green LED
            digitalWrite(WindowUp, LOW); //Turn on green LED
            delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
            delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
            delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
            delay(100);                   //Delay 1 Sec
            digitalWrite(WindowUp, HIGH); //Turn on green LED
            digitalWrite(WindowDown, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  
            digitalWrite(WindowUp, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  

      /************************Partially Open*************************************/
      /********************** Use .3 Delay***************************************/
            digitalWrite(WindowUp, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  
            digitalWrite(WindowDown, LOW); //Turn on green LED
            delay(300);                   //Delay 1 Sec
            digitalWrite(WindowDown, HIGH); //Turn on green LED
            delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
            digitalWrite(WindowDown, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  
            digitalWrite(WindowUp, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  

    WindowStatus = 3;
    temp_hot =1;               //Temperature Signal was sent
  if((t_bits[1] <= tt_bits[1])&&(temp_hot ==1)&&(WaterState == 1))             /***Temperature inside the car is cooler than outside car***/
    //Serial1.println("NICE!!!"); //Output on terminal 

    Serial1.println("");        //Output on terminal 
    Serial1.print("c~");        //Output on terminal   
    delay(500);                   //Delay .5 Sec
    Serial1.println("");        //Output on terminal 
    tempi = String( "i" + temp);
    Serial1.print(tempi);        // Display temperature inside on app

    delay(500);                   //Delay .5 Sec    
    Serial1.println("");        //Output on terminal 
    tempo = String( "o" + temp1);//Temperature outside Sensor two
    Serial1.print(tempo);        // Display temperature outside on app
    temp_hot =0;               //Temperature signal 
    if(WindowStatus == 2)//If Window is fully Open
      /***************************Fully Close***************************************/
      /************************Use 3.1 Sec Delay************************************/
            digitalWrite(WindowDown, HIGH); //Turn on green LED
            digitalWrite(WindowUp, LOW); //Turn on green LED
            delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
            delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
            delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
            delay(100);                   //Delay 1 Sec
            digitalWrite(WindowUp, HIGH); //Turn on green LED
            delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
            digitalWrite(WindowDown, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  
            digitalWrite(WindowUp, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  
        if(WindowStatus == 3)// If Window is partially open
      /***************************Partially Close**********************************/
      /***************************Use .38 Delay************************************/
            digitalWrite(WindowDown, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  
            digitalWrite(WindowUp, LOW); //Turn on green LED
            delay(380);                   //Delay 1 Sec
            digitalWrite(WindowUp, HIGH); //Turn on green LED
            delay(1000);                   //Delay 1 Sec
            digitalWrite(WindowDown, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  
            digitalWrite(WindowUp, HIGH); //Turn on green LED  
    WindowStatus = 1;

  /* show it 7-Segment Display*/ 
  TM1637.display(1, t_bits[0]);
  TM1637.display(0, t_bits[1]);
  TM1637.display(3, h_bits[0]);
  TM1637.display(2, h_bits[1]);
    /* show it Display on 2nd 7-Segment Display*/ 
  TM1638.display(1, tt_bits[0]);
  TM1638.display(0, tt_bits[1]);
  TM1638.display(3, hh_bits[0]);
  TM1638.display(2, hh_bits[1]);


TiWo Source Code

Check out the code we used to make TiWo possible!


Jessica Heider

Jessica Heider

1 project • 5 followers
David Cuevas

David Cuevas

1 project • 4 followers
Salvador Baca

Salvador Baca

1 project • 2 followers
