Water Level Monitoring System in Water Tanks can be used in Houses to avoid overflow and wastage of water. In this project, one of the important parts is the High Sensitivity Water Sensor. It is easy to use, light in weight, compact in size, high identification, and detection of water, droplets.
The water sensor has many different applications like sensing of rainfall, leakage of water and water level detection. This sensor works by having a series of exposed mark lines(yellow lines that can be seen in the image above) connected to GND. The sensor has a low resistance resistor. The resistor keeps the sensor value low till the water shorts the sensor.
This sensor then changes the water detected to analog signal/ digital signal with the help of Bolt IoT, and those analog values are used in the program, to achieve the function of water level monitoring and other similar applications. The good point of this sensor is that it uses very less power and has higher sensitivity.
Pin definition:
"S" stand for signal input
"+" stand for power supply
"-" stand for GND
MATERIALS USED:-Watch this video :-
STEPS:-- 1 :-> Do The Connections As shown in the schematics Below
- 2:-> Create A product on Bolt Cloud :- https://cloud.boltiot.com/
- 3:-> Go to the Code tab in the product page and type your JavaScript code (or refer the code given below) and Save the code.
- 4:-> Link the product with your Bolt Device.
- 5:-> VirtualBox - https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads Ubuntu Server ISO link - http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-16.04.6-server-i386.iso
- 6:-> Now in your Ubuntu Server type your Python Code (or refer to the code given Below).
- 7:-> Now Connect the circuit with power supply and Run the Python code which was written in ubuntu server. Thats'it !