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Darian Johnson
Published © CC BY-NC

The Compost Professor: A Smart Composting System

A set of senors and actuators that make composting simple.

ExpertShowcase (no instructions)Over 1 day4,908
The Compost Professor: A Smart Composting System

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Adafruit Huzzah Feather
Needed for Base Unit and Kitchen Unit
Adafruit RFM69 32u4 Feather
Needed for Compost Unit
Compost Unit 3D prints
see GitHub for STl files
Compost Bin
any large compost tumbler will do.
Base unit case
see GitHub for STL files
Assorted cables (solid and stranded wire), headers, resistors, etc
Details about the needed components will be listed in the build instructions
Rubber spray-on
Used to water proof 3D prints
USB wall chargers and cables
For Base System and to recharge LiPo battery in kitchen system
Adafruit TFT Featherwing
Needed for Kitchen Unit
7mm tall (6mm x 6mm base) tactile button
Needed for Kitchen unit - wake-up button
6mm tall (6mm x 6mm) tactile button
Needed for Base unit - reset button
SPDT Slide Switch
Kitchen Unit on/off switch
0.1uF capacitor
Kitchen Unit - for batter measurements
Lithium Ion Polymer Battery - 3.7v 500mAh
Kitchen Unit
Kitchen Unit case
See GitHub for STL files
3mm Red/Yellow-Green RGB
Base Unit status indicator
SG90 Micro-servo motor
SG90 Micro-servo motor
Compost Unit - Controls air vent
Mounting Putty, Silicone compound, glue, etc
Hand tools (drills, screwdrivers, soldering iron, etc)
Heat shrink and heat gun
DS18B20 Waterproof Temperature Sensors
Compost Unit - Measures Compost Temp
DFRobot Gravity: Analog Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor- Corrosion Resistant
Compost Unit - Measures Compost Moisture
Micro Submersible Water Pump DC 2.5-6V
Compost Unit - Water pump to hydrate compost
JST 2-pin cable
Compost Unit - to connect battery
Tilt Switch
Compost Unit - Determine compost bin position
TIP120 Darlington transistors
Compost Unit - for water pump
470uF capacitor
Compost Unit - for servo
Silicone Adhesive
to seal 3D prints
Rubber Spray On Coating
Used to weather-proof the electronics box used in the Compost Bin. I used Flex Seal -> https://www.target.com/p/as-seen-on-tv-174-flex-seel-aerosol-can-14oz/-/A-14028913?sid=1430S&ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&CPNG=PLA_Kitchen+Shopping_Local&adgroup=SC_Kitchen&LID=700000001170770pgs&network=g&device=c&location=9026937&gclid=CjwKCAjw64bPBRApEiwAJhG-fp0v4YcBCb9MpoSqDkfArNVC_BmjwsiXnM5B_zF7GW_6izFhk7t8YBoCOMsQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
5-6 feet of Vinyl Hose (3/8 in inner diameter)
Be sure to check the outer diameter of your pump. This hose will attach to the pump
1 foot 1 1/4 inches spa hose
Used to connect the reservoir to the spigot
Adafruit RFMM68 Feather Wing
Needed for Base Unit
Waterproof 3xAA Battery Holder with On/Off
Compost Unit - powers unit
1N4001 Diode
Compost Unit - for pump
Water Level Sensor Vertical Float Switch
Compost Unit - to determine water level
Slimline water container
Compost Unit - water reservoir
Plastic soda bottle tops
Used for 3D prints


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Custom parts and enclosures




Darian Johnson

Darian Johnson

8 projects • 140 followers
Technologist. Music lover. Fitness enthusiast. Movie buff. Fan of sci-fi and comic books.
