Davis Vicente Garcés Naranjo
Published © GPL3+

Control "Social Distancing" through wifi customers counting

Control the capacity of the restaurants automatically based in the quantity of customer's connection to the Lorawan Gateway.

IntermediateShowcase (no instructions)5 hours63
Control "Social Distancing" through wifi customers counting

Things used in this project

Hardware components

The Things Gateway
The Things Industries The Things Gateway

Software apps and online services

SmartThings service
IFTTT SmartThings service


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Scheme of implementation of the Lorawan for Social Distancing control

Installing the Lorawan inside any restaurant, grocery store, etc. We can control hoy many people is inside any place and advice to managers in order to comply with social distancing.


Script to be tested after receiving the Lorawan equipment

No preview (download only).


Davis Vicente Garcés Naranjo

Davis Vicente Garcés Naranjo

1 project • 3 followers
