This is a demo project for the Pmod TMP2 and Pmod CLS, both made by Digilent. The ambient temperature is measured and displayed on the Serial monitor and on the LCD. To control the Pmod, an Arduino UNO is used, which also sends the data to the computer. To communicate with the peripheral devices, both I2C and serial communication protocols are used. Data is aquired from the Pmod TMP2 using I2C communication (the device has the address 0x4B), then it is processed to get the temperature as a fractional number. Data is displayed on the serial monitor one measurement in a line and it is also sent to the LCD (Pmod CLS) with the help of the SoftwareSerial library. The Pmod CLS has multiple options when recieving data, so both I2C or SPI communication protocols could have been used, but using UART enabels the user to connect it with only one wire (RX).
Team Digilent:
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