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Dillon Nichols
Published © CC BY

Transforming Atari 2600 Controller

A modern replacement of an Atari controller that transforms between a joystick and a paddle using the same base.

IntermediateFull instructions provided8 hours3,330

Things used in this project

Hardware components

3D Magnetic Sensor 2Go
Infineon 3D Magnetic Sensor 2Go
Infineon Joystick for 3D 2Go
Infineon Rotate Knob for 3D 2Go
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 1k ohm
Capacitor 10 µF
Capacitor 10 µF
Resistor 4.75k ohm
Resistor 4.75k ohm
STMicroelectronics TSV911
Pushbutton switch 12mm
SparkFun Pushbutton switch 12mm
General Purpose Transistor PNP
General Purpose Transistor PNP
Resistor 27k ohm
Diode - 1N4001
DB9 female solder cup connector
DB9 male to female cable
Micro-USB to USB Cable (Generic)
Micro-USB to USB Cable (Generic)
Male Header 40 Position 1 Row (0.1")
Male Header 40 Position 1 Row (0.1")
Female Header 20 Position 2 Row (0.1")
Female Header 20 Position 2 Row (0.1")

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Autodesk Fusion

Hand tools and fabrication machines

3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

Baseplate - .stl for printing

Baseplate - .f3d for Fusion 360

Baseplate - .iges for other modeling programs

Paddle Adapter - .stl for printing

Paddle Adapter - .f3d for Fusion 360

Paddle Adapter - .iges for other modeling programs



3.3V to 5V translation subcircuit

5V to 3.3V translation subcircuit


Transforming Atari Controller

Code for Arduino IDE. More details in Code section.
#include <Tle493d_w2b6.h>

// directions for joystick
int up = 5;     // P0.15
int down = 4;   // P0.14
int left = 3;   // P0.9
int right = 2;  // P0.8

// button (originally) for joystick
int button = 1; // P0.6

// potentiometer for paddle
int rightPot = 8; // P0.5 (PWM pin)

// button for paddle
// (uses same pin as right on joystick)
int rightButton = right;  // P0.8

// set up sensor
Tle493d_w2b6 Tle493dMagnetic3DSensor = Tle493d_w2b6();

// hold controller modes
typedef enum
} ContollerModeTypeDef;

ContollerModeTypeDef controllerMode;

// limits for joystick measurements on my controller
#define x_max 7.15
#define x_min -8.84
#define y_max 10.0
#define y_min -8.5

void detectControllerMode(void)
  // if button is held, go into paddle mode
  if (digitalRead(button) == LOW)
    controllerMode = PADDLE;
  // else go into joystick mode 
    controllerMode = JOYSTICK;

// when the joystick is in the center, set all directions high (disabled)
void deadzone(void)
  digitalWrite(up, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(down, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(left, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(right, HIGH);

  //Serial.print(" nothing");

void setup()
  // Need to start, reset, then start again to deal with power up glitches

  //while (!Serial);

  // joystick directions are outputs
  pinMode(up, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(down, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(left, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(right, OUTPUT);

  // default joystick outputs as high

  // paddle controls are outputs
  pinMode(rightPot, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(rightButton, OUTPUT);

  // set paddle button as high (released)
  digitalWrite(rightButton, HIGH);

  // button is input to detect controller mode
  pinMode(button, INPUT);
  // detect if controller should act as joystick or paddle

void loop() {
  // set to paddle mode
  if (controllerMode == PADDLE)
    // store angle of knob from last loop to determine which way it moved
    float angle_prev = 0;

    // the length of the 500Hz period that is high
    // 255 is the max
    // start with the duty cycle midway
    int dutyCycle = 255/2;

    // the new loop
      // get new data

      // get X and Y positions for rotation calculation
      float x = Tle493dMagnetic3DSensor.getX();
      float y = Tle493dMagnetic3DSensor.getY();

      // calculate angle in radians
      float angle = atan2(y,x);

      // calculate difference
      float diff = angle_prev - angle;


      // a factor which stores the direction we're spinning
      int direction = 0;
      // increasing (cw)
      if (diff > 0.01)
        direction = 3;
      // wrapping around (cw)
      else if (diff < -1.00)
        direction = 1;
      // decreasing (ccw)
      else if (diff < -0.01)
        direction = -3;
      // wrapping around (ccw)
      else if (diff > 1.00)
        direction = -1;
      // not moving
        direction = 0;


      // add the direction to the duty cycle
      dutyCycle += direction;

      // duty cycle bounds checking
      if (dutyCycle < 0)
        dutyCycle = 0;
      if (dutyCycle > 255)
        dutyCycle = 255;

      // write position (dutyCycle) to pin as PWM
      // at 500 Hz
      // so use RC filter with
      // R = 4.7k
      // C = 0.1uF
      // to convert to analog voltage
      analogWrite(rightPot, dutyCycle);


      // save angle for next round
      angle_prev = angle;

      // measure paddle's distance and press button if near
      int norm = Tle493dMagnetic3DSensor.getNorm();

      // go low if either button is pressed
      int buttonState = HIGH;

      // ~20 when released
      // ~55 when pressed
      // use midway (42) as threshold
      if (norm > 42) 
        // pressed
        buttonState =  LOW;

      // also check if joystick's button is pressed
      if (digitalRead(button) == LOW)
        buttonState = LOW;

      // set button output if either button is pressed
      digitalWrite(rightButton, buttonState);
  if (controllerMode == JOYSTICK)
    // store how far the direction is to the limit
    // as a percentage
    float up_pct = 0;
    float down_pct = 0;
    float left_pct = 0;
    float right_pct = 0;

    // the new loop
      // get new data

      // get X and Y positions
      float x = Tle493dMagnetic3DSensor.getX();
      float y = Tle493dMagnetic3DSensor.getY();


      // get percentages by dividing current position by limit
      up_pct = x/x_max;
      // x is around -3.3 when neutral so add that term back in
      down_pct = (x + 3.3)/x_min;
      left_pct =  y/y_max;
      right_pct  = y/y_min;

      // Go through each possible direction and the one with the
      // highest percentage is the chosen direction
      // Check that the percentage is >25% before setting else
      // you're in the deadzone so disable all direction pins
      // (just to be safe)
      if (up_pct > down_pct)
        if (up_pct > left_pct)
          if (up_pct > right_pct)
            if(up_pct > 0.25)
              //Serial.print(", up");
              digitalWrite(up, LOW);
            else {deadzone();}
            if(right_pct > 0.25)
              //Serial.print(", right");
              digitalWrite(right, LOW);
            else {deadzone();}
        else {
          if(left_pct > 0.25)
            //Serial.print(", left");
            digitalWrite(left, LOW);
          else {deadzone();}
      else {
        if (down_pct > left_pct)
          if (down_pct > right_pct)
            if(down_pct > 0.25)
              //Serial.print(", down");
              digitalWrite(down, LOW);
            else {deadzone();}
            if(right_pct > 0.25)
              //Serial.print(", right");
              digitalWrite(right, LOW);
            else {deadzone();}
        else {
          if(left_pct > 0.25)
            //Serial.print(", left");
            digitalWrite(left, LOW);
          else {deadzone();}


Dillon Nichols

Dillon Nichols

7 projects • 17 followers
Electrical engineer: hardware/firmware; tinkerer; hobbyist; amateur fabricator;
