Now a days, the street lights we are using are not smart. To make them more smart here is a project that glows LED automatically when a vehicle is moving onroad during night. Today this project will help you to develop a small prototype using Arduino Uno, ultrasonic sensor and LDR.
Hence we, decided to come up with the Smart Street Lights's essentially a setup which uses the popular Ultrasonic Sensor(HC-SR04), LDR and Arduino Uno. Hence the power consumed for street lights can be minimized.
Hardware Setup:The HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor is at the center of the vehicle. The distance can be taken when the vehicle reaches the led.
1. Gather all the components and check if led, LDR and Ultrasonic Sensor are working fine or not.
2. Connect the cathode of led to GND & anode to 13 pin of Arduino.
3. Connect the Ultrasonic Sensor pins VCC, GND, Trigpin, Echopin to 5V, GND, 9, 10 respectively to Arduino.
4. Connect one end of LDR to 10K resister to A0 pin of Arduino Uno. and other end to 5V supply. The other pin of resister to GND pin of Arduino Uno.
NOTE: Refer the Schematics of any guidance
The working principle is very simple. The Arduino Uno continuously checks for the communication from ultrasonic sensor and LDR. The led will be ON when the light intensity and the distance from ultrasonic sensor are satisfied. Otherwise the led will be in OFF position. This is the working principle of Smart Street Lights With LDR and ultrasonic sensor. So that we can minimize the power usage of street lights.