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Dougal Campbell
Published © MIT

Halloween Blinky Eyes

Glowing eyes appear, blink a few times, and disappear again. What are these creatures? Why are they watching us?!

IntermediateShowcase (no instructions)2,563
Halloween Blinky Eyes

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Spark Core
Particle Spark Core
Adafruit WS2812B LED strip


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Core w/ NeoPixels

If you're brave, and don't draw too much current, you can power NeoPixels from a Core/Photon's VIN pin. Any GPIO pin should be fine for data.



Eyeblink NeoPixel LED strip animation for Particle Core/Photon.


Dougal Campbell

Dougal Campbell

1 project • 3 followers
He's just this guy, you know?
