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Ederson Amgarten
Published © MIT

UVC decontamination chamber for community use

An easy and practical way for collective use, to avoid covid-19 contamination by supermarket purchases.

IntermediateFull instructions provided8 hours918
UVC decontamination chamber for community use

Things used in this project

Hardware components

STMicroelectronics Blue Pill (STM32F103C8T6) board
SparkFun RGB LED Breakout - WS2812B
SparkFun RGB LED Breakout - WS2812B
Grove - Relay
Seeed Studio Grove - Relay
Switch Actuator, APEM A01 series Illuminated Push-Button Switches
Switch Actuator, APEM A01 series Illuminated Push-Button Switches
Reed Switch, Flange Mount
Reed Switch, Flange Mount
UVC Lamp
ballast for UVC lamp
Plastic Enclosure

Software apps and online services

Mbed Studio
Arm Mbed Studio

Hand tools and fabrication machines

STMicroelectronics STLINK


Read more


UV Box simple schematic


Code UV Box

#include "mbed.h"
#include "platform/mbed_thread.h"
#include <InterruptIn.h>

#define ESPERA_DESINF_MS                                                    100
// main() runs in its own thread in the OS
InterruptIn E_switch(PB_12, PullUp);
DigitalIn botao1(PB_11, PullDown);
DigitalOut test_led(PC_13);
DigitalOut UV_lamp(PB_9);
DigitalOut redled(PA_5);
DigitalOut greenled(PA_6);
DigitalOut blueled(PA_7);

void outputs(int state){
            case 0:
            { // pronto para ligar
                test_led = true; // test led  OFF
                UV_lamp = true; //  UV  lamp OFF
                redled = false; // red led OFF
                blueled = false; //  blue led OFF
                greenled = true; // gren led ON
            case 1: // turn ON UV
                test_led = false; // test led  ON
                UV_lamp = false; //  UV  lamp ON
                greenled = false; // gren led OFF
                blueled = true; //  blue led ON
                redled = false; // red led OFF
            case 2: // emergency stop
                test_led = true; // test led  OFF
                UV_lamp = true; //  UV  lamp OFF
                greenled = false; // gren led OFF
                blueled = false; //  blue led OFF
                redled = true; // red led ON

void emergency(){
int main()
    test_led = true; // false liga o led
    UV_lamp = true; // false liga a saida
    while (true) {
        if (E_switch) {(outputs(2));}
        if (!E_switch) { outputs(0);
            if (botao1) { outputs(1);



Ederson Amgarten

Ederson Amgarten

2 projects • 15 followers
