Published © GPL3+

Automatic Chicken Coop Door (Porte Automatique Poulailler)

Automatically open and close the chicken coop door (poulailler in French) at local sunrise and sunset as well manually if/when needed.

Automatic Chicken Coop Door (Porte Automatique Poulailler)

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
Chip Antenna, 433 MHz
Chip Antenna, 433 MHz
Graphic OLED, 128 x 64 Pixels
Graphic OLED, 128 x 64 Pixels
Real Time Clock (RTC)
Real Time Clock (RTC)
Timer, Oscillator & Pulse Generator IC
Timer, Oscillator & Pulse Generator IC
Level Shifter Board
SparkFun Level Shifter Board
4-port Relay Board
PHPoC 4-port Relay Board
Rechargeable Battery, 12 V
Rechargeable Battery, 12 V
Plastic Enclosure, Project Box
Plastic Enclosure, Project Box
Phone Audio Connector, Jack
Phone Audio Connector, Jack
SparkFun Benchtop Power Board Kit
SparkFun Benchtop Power Board Kit
Perma-Proto Breadboard Half Size
Perma-Proto Breadboard Half Size
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Proximity Sensor
Proximity Sensor
Linear Solenoid, 12.2 VDC
Linear Solenoid, 12.2 VDC
Pushbutton Switch, Momentary
Pushbutton Switch, Momentary
5 mm LED: Red
5 mm LED: Red
5 mm LED: Green
5 mm LED: Green
LED Strip, 4 LEDs
LED Strip, 4 LEDs
Test Accessory, AC Power Adapter
Test Accessory, AC Power Adapter


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Automatic Chicken coop door operating system
#include <math.h>
#include <Dusk2Dawn.h>                        // This library seems to take the least memory and does what is needed
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <RTClib.h>                           // Library for the RTC (real Time Clock). The project uses a DS1307 to which a Dallas DS18B20 / 1-Wire Digital Thermometer TO-92 was added
                                              // IMPORTANT NOTE: as this project uses both 3.3V (RTC) and 5V (the others) I2C modules. Be sure to add a bi-direction level shifter or you are likely to blow-up your Arduino. I did that twice before getting the message... :-(
#include <RCSwitch.h>                         // Library for the 433Mhz remote control
#include <U8x8lib.h>                          // This library seems to take the least memory and does what is needed

#include <OneWire.h>                          // These two libraries are used to measure the temperature with the DS18B20 soldered onto the RTC
#include <DallasTemperature.h>

/* ----------------------  Some basic settings you will need/want to change to suit your needs  ----------------------------------  */

#define myLatitude        43.649572           // My chicken coop location
#define myLongtitude      3.562498
#define myTimezone        0.0                 // In case you need to adjust your timezone. See the library documentation for details

int myDoorDuration       = 34;                // Time to open or close the door. The time duration in seconds we need to provide power to the linear actuator 
int closingPause         = 3;                 // Number of minutes the Door Closing will pause when an obstacle is detected inside the door while closing

int sunRiseOffset        = 0;                 // Number of minutes the coop door will open earlier / later than the calculated time
int sunSetOffset         = 30;                 // Number of minutes the coop door will close earlier / later than the calculated time

int enableFlash1         = 1;                 // Setting to enable Flash1 or not. 1=ON, 0=OFF. Obstacle detector and Flash LED above the door (that closes at night) pointing outwards
int enableFlash2         = 1;                 // Setting to enable Flash2 or not. 1=ON, 0=OFF. Obstacle detector and Flash LED above the door to the garden pointing outwards (door does not close automatically at night), pointing outwards
int flash1duration       = 3;                 // Duration of the flash light in seconds above the door (that closes at night) pointing outwards 
int flash2duration       = 3;                 // Duration of the flash light in seconds above the door to the garden pointing outwards (door does not close automatically at night), pointing outwards

int screenOnTime         = 10;                // Duration in seconds the screen stays on. Required as there is a conflict between the 'screen on' state of the OLED with the used library and RCSwitch. When the screen is on, the remote control signals are not captured....
int enableRemote         = 1;                 // Setting to use remote control or not. 1=ON, 0=OFF

unsigned long remoteDoorOpen   = 1396644;     // These 4 rows contain the codes from the 433Mhz remote-control. You will need to use the RCSwitch > ReceiveDemo_Simple from the IDE examples to detect yours and update these codes 
unsigned long remoteDoorClose  = 1396648;
unsigned long remoteDoorStop   = 1396641;
unsigned long remoteLightFlash = 1396642;

#define ONE_WIRE_BUS A3                       // Analog pin for the data wire for temperature measuments

/* ----------------------  These settings are only needed to be changed if you also change the electric wiring  ------------------  */

const int openRelay      = 3;                 // This project uses a linear actuator and only requires +/- 12V for actioning which is managed by 2 relays
const int closeRelay     = 4;
const int obstacleDoor   = 5;                 // IR Obstacle detector inside the door

const int DoorOpenLed    = 6;                 // Lights up when the door is open
const int DoorClosedLed  = 7;                 // Lights up when the door is closed
const int pushOpen       = 8;                 // Open the door
const int pushClose      = 9;                 // Close the door

const int obstacleFlash1 = 10;                // IR obstacle detector above the door (that closes at night) pointing outwards 
const int obstacleFlash2 = 11;                // IR obstacle detector above the door to the garden pointing outwards (door does not close automatically at night), pointing outwards

const int flash1Relay    = 12;                // Actioning the flash-light door (outside obstacle)
const int flash2Relay    = 13;                // Actioning the flash-light exterior (exterior obstacle)

int       screenSwitch   = A2;                // Analog pin for the momentary push button to switch-on the OLED

/* ----------------------  End of settings  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

RTC_DS1307 rtc;                           // if you are getting a "165" output on the OLED instead of the propoer time & date, you probably need to use a 3.3V pin instead of a 5V pin for your RTC module (and therefore a I2C level shifter)
RCSwitch mySwitch = RCSwitch();
U8X8_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_HW_I2C u8x8(/* reset=*/ U8X8_PIN_NONE);

Dusk2Dawn myLocation(myLatitude, myLongtitude, myTimezone);

OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);            // Setup a oneWire instance to communicate with any OneWire devices (not just Maxim/Dallas temperature ICs)
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);      // Pass our oneWire reference to Dallas Temperature chip.

int year, month, day, hour, minute, second, x, mySunrise, mySunset, mySRHR, mySRMN, mySDHR, mySDMN, myDoor, myDoorObstacle, closingDuration, pausedAfter, myNow, myCounter, myTemp;
int doorDetection   = HIGH;    // no obstacle
int flash1Detection = HIGH;    // no obstacle
int flash2Detection = HIGH;    // no obstacle

int myDoorStatus  = 0;
int myPause       = 0;
long startDoorMovement;
long stopDoorMovement;

  // myDoorStatus = 0 => default value at startup. Status will show "Initiate". Press the open or close button at startup (depending the actual door status) to change and capture the correct status
  // myDoorStatus = 1 => Door open
  // myDoorStatus = 2 => Door opening
  // myDoorStatus = 3 => Door closed
                              // Most activity is managed thru functions in order to keep the core code clean and easily update/add functionality
void openDoor();
void closeDoor();
void stopDoor(); 
void flash1();
void flash2();
void checkRemote();
void getTime();
void getRiseAndSet();

// A number of messages to print on the OLED.
void screenON();
void printMain();
void printDate();
void printTime();
void printSunrise();
void printSunset();

void printInitiate();
void printOpening();
void printOpen();
void printClosing();
void printClosed();
void printPaused();
void printFlash1();
void printFlash2();
void printTemp();
void printCounter();
void resetCounter();

/* ----------------------  Program Setup  ------------------  */
void setup() {

  if (! rtc.begin()) {
    Serial.println("Couldn't find RTC");
    while (1);
  mySwitch.enableReceive(0);                   // Receiver on interrupt 0 => that is pin #2 It can also be (1), that would be pin #3

  u8x8.setFont(u8x8_font_victoriamedium8_r);   // This font allows for 7 rows on the OLED 28X64
  //rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__))); // Note that if you are having a (charged) battery on your RTC you need to run this command only once. If you let it run each time the code boots, it will reset the date/time to the original loaded when it was connected thru USB when you reboot the board.

  sensors.begin();                            // IC Default 9 bit. If you have troubles consider upping it 12. Ups the delay giving the IC more time to process the temperature measurement

                                              // Before you connect the relay board check the Voltage required to make the relays function correctly. In my case I need to supply it with 12V on the JD-VCC pin and GND (read: don't use GND from the Arduino board in this case).
  pinMode(openRelay,      OUTPUT);            // set pin as output for relay 1
  pinMode(closeRelay,     OUTPUT);            // set pin as output for relay 2
  pinMode(DoorOpenLed,    OUTPUT);            // set pin as output for DoorOpenLed
  pinMode(DoorClosedLed,  OUTPUT);            // set pin as output for DoorClosedLed
  pinMode(flash1Relay,    OUTPUT);            // set pin as output for relay 3
  pinMode(flash2Relay,    OUTPUT);            // set pin as output for relay 4

  pinMode(obstacleDoor,   INPUT);             // set pin as input for the door obstacle infrared detector
  pinMode(obstacleFlash1, INPUT);             // set pin as input for the IR obstacle detector above the door (that closes at night) pointing outwards
  pinMode(obstacleFlash2, INPUT);             // set pin as input for the IR obstacle detector above the door to the garden pointing outwards (door does not close at night), pointing outwards
  pinMode(pushOpen,       INPUT);             // set pin as intput for pushbutton to manually open the coop door
  pinMode(pushClose,      INPUT);             // set pin as intput for pushbutton to manually close the coop door

  digitalWrite(DoorOpenLed,   LOW);           // Keep both LED's off at startup
  digitalWrite(DoorClosedLed, LOW);
  digitalWrite(openRelay,     HIGH);          // keep the motor off at start-up by keeping both HIGH 
  digitalWrite(closeRelay,    HIGH);
  digitalWrite(flash1Relay,   HIGH);          // keep the flash-lights off at start-up by keeping both HIGH
  digitalWrite(flash2Relay,   HIGH);

  printInitiate();                            // Write the "Initiate message to the OLED
  screenON();                                 // Update all other info on the OLED and swith it on for the duration set in the settings above


/* ----------------------  Main Program Section  ------------------  */
void loop() {

  if (analogRead(screenSwitch) >700) {screenON();}                            // Check if we need to switch the screen on for a moment. 433Mhz RC does not work during 'screenOn time' due to a conflict in libraries.
  if(myNow==0){getRiseAndSet(); printSunrise(); printSunset(); printDate();}  // At the start of a new day (at zero hours) we update the Sunrise & Sunset data
  // Below the logic deciding the opening & closing of the door
  // myDoorStatus = 1 => Door open
  // myDoorStatus = 2 => Door opening
  // myDoorStatus = 3 => Door closed

  if((myNow == mySunrise)    && (myDoorStatus != 1)) {openDoor(); }
  if((myNow == myPause)      && (myDoorStatus == 2)) {digitalWrite(DoorOpenLed, HIGH); closeDoor();}
  if((myNow == mySunset)     && (myDoorStatus != 3)) {closeDoor();}

  if((digitalRead(pushClose) == HIGH) && (myDoorStatus != 3)) {closeDoor();}  
  if((digitalRead(pushOpen)  == HIGH) && (myDoorStatus != 1)) {openDoor();} 

  // Below the logic for the intrudor alerts
  if((enableFlash1==1) && (digitalRead(obstacleFlash1) == LOW) && (myNow > mySunset))  {flash1();}
  if((enableFlash1==1) && (digitalRead(obstacleFlash1) == LOW) && (myNow < mySunrise)) {flash1();}
  if((enableFlash2==1) && (digitalRead(obstacleFlash2) == LOW) && (myNow > mySunset))  {flash2();}
  if((enableFlash2==1) && (digitalRead(obstacleFlash2) == LOW) && (myNow < mySunrise)) {flash2();}  

  if((myNow < myPause) && (myPause!=0)){
    digitalWrite(DoorClosedLed, !digitalRead(DoorClosedLed));               // Alternating the 'open' and 'closed' LED's to show the door is paused
    digitalWrite(DoorOpenLed, !digitalRead(DoorOpenLed));

  checkRemote();                                                            // Catching the remote control signal every second
  delay(1000);                                                              // Create a 1 second delay in order to avoid 'panic mode'
}// loop end

/* ----------------------  Program Funtions  ------------------  */

/* ----------------------  Door Funtions     ------------------  */
void openDoor()
    digitalWrite(openRelay,  LOW);                        // turn relay 1 ON
    digitalWrite(closeRelay, HIGH);                       // turn relay 2 OFF
    // loop to make the LED blink while the door is opening
    for (int i = 0; i <= myDoorDuration*2; i++) {       
      if ( (i % 2) == 0) { myCounter=myCounter-1; u8x8.setCursor(8, 7); u8x8.print("  "); u8x8.setCursor(8, 7);u8x8.print(myCounter);u8x8.setCursor(11, 7);u8x8.print("sec."); }
      digitalWrite(DoorOpenLed, !digitalRead(DoorOpenLed));
    myDoorStatus = 1; // Status=1 ==> Door is open
    digitalWrite(DoorClosedLed, LOW);
    digitalWrite(DoorOpenLed, HIGH);

void closeDoor()
    //startDoorMovement = millis();
    digitalWrite(openRelay,  HIGH);                      // turn relay 1 OFF
    digitalWrite(closeRelay, LOW);                       // turn relay 2 ON
    myDoorStatus = 2;  // Status=2 ==> Door is closing
    if (myPause!=0) {closingDuration=myDoorDuration-pausedAfter; myPause=0;} else {closingDuration=myDoorDuration;}
    for (int i = 0; i <= closingDuration*2; i++) {
      if ( (i & 0x01) == 0) { myCounter=myCounter-1; u8x8.setCursor(8, 7); u8x8.print("  "); u8x8.setCursor(8, 7);u8x8.print(myCounter);u8x8.setCursor(11, 7);u8x8.print("sec.");}
      digitalWrite(DoorClosedLed, !digitalRead(DoorClosedLed));
      doorDetection = digitalRead(obstacleDoor);
      if(doorDetection == LOW){ getTime(); 
                                pausedAfter=round((i/2)+0.5); // adding 0.5 will ensure we round the number up or down correctly as 'round' always rounds down.
                                digitalWrite(DoorClosedLed, HIGH);
                                digitalWrite(DoorOpenLed, LOW);
    myDoorStatus = 3; // Status=3 ==> Door is closed
    digitalWrite(DoorOpenLed, LOW);
    digitalWrite(DoorClosedLed, HIGH);


void stopDoor()
    digitalWrite(openRelay,  HIGH);                     // turn relay 1 OFF
    digitalWrite(closeRelay, HIGH);                     // turn relay 2 OFF

/* ----------------------  Flash light Funtions  ------------------  */

void flash1()
  digitalWrite(flash1Relay,   LOW);
  digitalWrite(flash1Relay,   HIGH);

void flash2()
  digitalWrite(flash2Relay,   LOW);
  digitalWrite(flash2Relay,   HIGH);

/* ----------------------  Remote Control Funtion  ------------------  */

void checkRemote()
  if (enableRemote==1){
    /*  Serial.print("Received ");
      Serial.print( mySwitch.getReceivedValue() );
      Serial.print(" / ");
      Serial.print( mySwitch.getReceivedBitlength() );
      Serial.print("bit ");
      Serial.print("Protocol: ");
      Serial.println( mySwitch.getReceivedProtocol() ); */
      u8x8.setCursor(8, 7); u8x8.print("       "); u8x8.setCursor(8, 7);u8x8.print("remote");
      if ((mySwitch.getReceivedValue()==remoteDoorOpen)   && (myDoorStatus != 1))   {openDoor();  }
      if ((mySwitch.getReceivedValue()==remoteDoorClose)  && (myDoorStatus != 3))   {closeDoor(); }
      if ( mySwitch.getReceivedValue()==remoteDoorStop)                             {stopDoor();  }
      if ( mySwitch.getReceivedValue()==remoteLightFlash)                           {flash1(); flash2(); }
} //checkRemote

/* ----------------------  Time related Funtions  ------------------  */
void getTime()
  DateTime now = rtc.now(); 
  year   = now.year();
  month  = now.month();
  day    = now.day();
  hour   = now.hour();
  minute = now.minute();
  second = now.second();
  myNow  = (hour*60)+minute;            // Create a "minutes after midnight" integer in order to easily compare with the sunRise & sunSet from Dusk2Dawn

void getRiseAndSet()
  getTime();                            // Get my local Sunrise and Sunset time for today
  mySunrise  = myLocation.sunrise(year, month, day, true);
  mySunset   = myLocation.sunset(year, month, day, true);
  char time[6];                         // Calculate the local Sunrise + Sunset hours and minutes (as the function provides minutes after midnight) so we can print them on the OLED
  Dusk2Dawn::min2str(time, mySunrise);
  mySunrise = mySunrise + sunRiseOffset;
  mySRHR = int(mySunrise/60);
  mySRMN = int(mySunrise - (mySRHR*60));

  Dusk2Dawn::min2str(time, mySunset);
  mySunset = mySunset + sunSetOffset;
  mySDHR = int(mySunset/60);
  mySDMN = int(mySunset - (mySDHR*60));  

/* ----------------------  OLED screen messages Funtions  ------------------  */

// If ever you want to translate or modify the text shown on the OLED, this is the place to be ;-)

void screenON()
  u8x8.setPowerSave(0);               // Switch-on the OLED (Remote control messages are received, but not executed until the screen switches-off...
  getRiseAndSet();                    // Get sunRise & sunSet for today

  for (int i = 0; i <= screenOnTime; i++) {
    delay(1000);                      // Sow the time pogressing whilst the OLED is on. 
  u8x8.setPowerSave(1);               // Switch-off the OLED
}// screenON

void printMain()
  u8x8.setCursor(0,0); u8x8.print("Date:");
  u8x8.setCursor(0,1); u8x8.print("Time:");
  u8x8.setCursor(0,3); u8x8.print("Sunrise | Sunset");
  u8x8.setCursor(8,4); u8x8.print("|");
  u8x8.setCursor(0,6); u8x8.print("---- Status: ---");  

void printInitiate(){u8x8.setCursor(0, 7); u8x8.print("       "); u8x8.setCursor(0, 7);u8x8.print("Initiate");}  //initiate the status. Press the open or close button (depending actual door status) to change and capture the correct status
void printOpening() {u8x8.setCursor(0, 7); u8x8.print("       "); u8x8.setCursor(0, 7);u8x8.print("Opening ");}  //open
void printOpen()    {u8x8.setCursor(0, 7); u8x8.print("       "); u8x8.setCursor(0, 7);u8x8.print("Open    ");}  //opening
void printClosing() {u8x8.setCursor(0, 7); u8x8.print("       "); u8x8.setCursor(0, 7);u8x8.print("Closing ");}  //closing
void printClosed()  {u8x8.setCursor(0, 7); u8x8.print("       "); u8x8.setCursor(0, 7);u8x8.print("Closed  ");}  //closed
void printPaused()  {u8x8.setCursor(0, 7); u8x8.print("       "); u8x8.setCursor(0, 7);u8x8.print("Paused  ");}  //paused
void printFlash1()  {u8x8.setCursor(0, 7); u8x8.print("       "); u8x8.setCursor(0, 7);u8x8.print("Flash 1 ");}  //printFlash1
void printFlash2()  {u8x8.setCursor(0, 7); u8x8.print("       "); u8x8.setCursor(0, 7);u8x8.print("Flash 2 ");}  //printFlash2
void printCounter() {u8x8.setCursor(8, 7); u8x8.print("  ");      u8x8.setCursor(8, 7);u8x8.print(myCounter);u8x8.setCursor(11, 7);u8x8.print("sec."); }//printCounter
void resetCounter() {u8x8.setCursor(8, 7); u8x8.print("        ");}//resetCounter

void printDate()
  if (day<=9)  {u8x8.print("0");} u8x8.print(day);  u8x8.print("-"); 
  if (month<=9){u8x8.print("0");} u8x8.print(month);u8x8.print("-");
}// printDate()

void printTime()
  if (hour<=9)  {u8x8.print("0");} u8x8.print(hour);  u8x8.print(":");
  if (minute<=9){u8x8.print("0");} u8x8.print(minute);u8x8.print(":");
  if (second<=9){u8x8.print("0");} u8x8.print(second);
} // printTime();

void printSunrise()
  u8x8.setCursor(1, 4); if (mySRHR<=9){u8x8.print("0");} u8x8.print(mySRHR);
  u8x8.setCursor(3,4); u8x8.print(":");
  u8x8.setCursor(4,4); if (mySRMN<=9){u8x8.print("0");} u8x8.print(mySRMN);  

void printSunset()
  u8x8.setCursor(10, 4); if (mySDHR<=9){u8x8.print("0");} u8x8.print(mySDHR);
  u8x8.setCursor(12,4); u8x8.print(":");
  u8x8.setCursor(13,4); if (mySDMN<=9){u8x8.print("0");}u8x8.print(mySDMN);  

void printTemp()
  sensors.requestTemperatures();                                   // Send the command to get temperatures
  myTemp = round(sensors.getTempCByIndex(0)+0.5);                 // If you want to show Fahrenheit, you need to change the C to F
  //Serial.print(myTemp);                                           // Why "byIndex"? You can have more than one IC on the same bus. 0 refers to the first IC on the wire
  u8x8.setCursor(13, 7); u8x8.print("  ");      u8x8.setCursor(13, 7);u8x8.print(myTemp);u8x8.setCursor(15, 7);u8x8.print("C");




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