This article uses the WLAN interface to send temperature and relative humidity to the home network web server.
Build a live train departure display for your desk with a Raspberry Pi Zero W and OLED screen.
What's scarier than a pair of Uncanny Eyes? Five pairs of Uncanny Eyes mounted on skulls and controllable to make everyone scream.
Create an OLED screen that shows the date, time in digital and analog format, temperature and humidity.
In this article, you will learn how to run OLEDs by Arduino, and display text, images, and animations on them.
In first part, we will show DHT22 sensor's data on the OLED. In the second part, we will display iPhone, Samsung and LG's logos on OLED.
Test transistors, diodes, thyristors, resistors, capacitors and inductors. Also identify their leads and obtain their component value.
How to make a mini weather station (temperature, humity monitor) using Arduino, DHT11 sensor and Oled display
Dear friends, In this Tutorial we are going to build an Arduino powered Game. It is the classic Space trash Game!
Interfacing an OLED 128x64 display with Arduino UNO and displaying images.
The project I want to share with you today is an Arduino maze game, which became a pocket console as capable as Arduboy!
Dear friends,In this Tutorial we are going to build an Arduino powered Game. It is the classic Pong Game! You can play against the co...
Display images and gifs on your TinyScreen
A programmable, portable, rechargeable power supply based on Arduino featuring an OLED display for viewing V.I.P. of projects/prototypes.
A cheap version of an Arduboy clone with which you can play a number of original Arduboy games.
A straightforward project using an amazing, little IPS TFT Display with an Arduino to display some colored graphics and animations.
This project is used to measure temperature by Infrared thermometer automatically and inform result by speaker. It also comment your result
Unlimited MIDI channels, XY plotter, faders, buttons, and settings. Also visual support with OLED display!
Arduino and OLED based Cellular Automata aka Game Of Life
A SMD Hot Plate made from a Printed Circuit Board. It has multiple heat profiles and is capable of reaching over 220 degrees Celsius.
The DigiSpark ATtiny85 can be connected to an 128x64 OLED and use easily readable, "huge" fonts (16x32 pixels WxH)!
SS1306 OLED I2C nanoFramework driver for 128x64, 128x32, 64x48, 96x16
Lear how to assemble, program, and test your TinyScreen from the TinyCircuits Kickstarter
In this tutorial, I will be showing you how to get started with the small 0.91 and 0.96 I2C OLED displays using Arduino and NodeMCU.