How to build an humidity and temperature meter with time display from an old voltage meter casing.
Dear friends welcome to another tutorial. This is Nick from and today we are going to learn how to use this RFID Reader wit...
Create your own Tiny Video Game console using the TinyDuino.
Build a simple incident light meter for old meterless film cameras
An interesting clock that will appeal to those gamers that grew up on retro games like Pong, Pacman and Tetris.
This project describes of a low-cost GPS data logger for RC planes. In a previous project I described how to build a GPS data logger.
Single channel LoRaWAN gateway using Seeed studio Wio-E5 Module, ESP8266, And Blynk.
An SSD 1306 OLED display eye.
A 3D printed measuring wheel displaying both metric and imperial measurements.
3D-printed Pikachu necklace with OLED display, Digispark and rechargeable battery. Custom your own animations with Arduino.
A custom, portable Arduino platform for gaming. Build your own!
N this tutorial we will learn about the Interfacing of SSD1306 OLED Display with Raspberry Pi Pico.
Auto watering the plant and tracking plant's health through Helium and Microsoft Azure IoT.
Build you own Arduino-based laser tachometer for around $10 and learn something while doing it!
This robot uses 4 Sharp IR sensors to wander around the house and avoid running into things.
Remember the days when you would sit listening to WWV time signals on your shortwave radio (tick, tick, tick…At the tone, the time will be…)
This arduino project will guide you how to make an Automatic alcohol dispenser to clean your hand
This demo shows embedded ML voice controlling animation screen display and an interesting toy by XIAO nRF52840 Sense boards.
Use a ratiometric linear Hall effect sensor to build simple magnetic field strength meter.
Digital temperature control of Gaggia Evolution espresso machine with preinfusion functionality using Photon, SSRs, OLED, and a thermistor.
Rudimentary version of the Soliton Radar from Metal Gear Solid that can detect walls and movement around the user.
Automatically open and close the chicken coop door (poulailler in French) at local sunrise and sunset as well manually if/when needed.
In this tutorial we will learn how to create a simple weather station using Arduino, DHT11 sensor, OLED Display and Visuino to Display the T
Make your pixel art look delightfully retro using an OLED display. We'll see how to make your own image, and animate it.