In this tutorial we are going to make an I2C Scanner that will display an I2C Adress of the connected sensor or a module.
In this tutorial we will learn how to detect a soil moisture using a moisture sensor and flash a green LED if everything is ok
Do you ever wonder when the mail man delivers your mail? Well worry no more, we have the device for you.
Different drawings and pictures on clothes certainly look nice, but let's take a step forward and make the drawing animated
The proximity motorcycle lock can lock/unlock itself when the user is within a certain distance and inform them of prime riding conditions.
An oled displays how many cases, deaths, and recoveries for the coronavirus globally.
In this tutorial we will use NodeMCU Mini, OLED Lcd, and Visuino to display live NEWS every few seconds from the internet on LCD.
Create a simple color mixer which can display up to 16 million colors!
In this Tutorial we are going to learn how to Flash a text on the SSD1306 OLED Display. Watch the Video!
Manually or automatically sweep the arm of a servo through a specified range while showing average operating current of that servo
In this tutorial we will use OLED Lcd, Stepper motor, Remote control, stepper driver DRV8825 and Visuino to make a stepper motor rotate when
Learn how to Seamlessly Integrate STM32 with SSD1306 OLED via SPI for Optimal Embedded System Performance.
Learn how to interface Nordic thingy:53 with SS1306 0.96inch OLED display.
How to use the M5Stack SH1107 OLED Unit.
What happens when classic NES design combine with Arduboy?
The XIAO board is smaller and faster than Arduino.
This video shows how to capture readings from the LM35 sensor and display them in the form of chart with the slight help from chatGPT
In this tutorial we are going to move a text on the OLED Display to a random position. Watch the Video!
A small hand-held thermometer that shows temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit all powered by a button battery.
A simple measuring tool that displays both metric and imperial measurements. It comes complete with built in battery charger.
In this tutorial we will use NodeMCU Mini, OLED Lcd, and Visuino to display live internet time from NIST Server on Lcd.
Build a digital laser infrared thermometer with a custom 3D printed enclosure
The design consists of displaying different screens by pressing the attached buttons, both forward and backwards.
We are going to build a simple weather station using a Seeeduino XIAO Expansion board and DHT11 Temperature & Humidity sensor.