This badge is a DIY dev board for MicroPython. Based on ESP8266, it has a lot of features which are possible to learn and have fun with!
An exercise of connecting the ESP-12 DevKit board running nodemcu to a 4 pin I2C OLED Display.
Shows to visually impaired or ignoring the resistors colour code, lazy techs etc..., either the exact value or value in E12 or E24 series
One-Way Willie helps enforce one-way aisles in retail stores, limiting customer-to-customer interaction and reducing virus transmission!
A micro weather station that shows date, time, temperature and 3 day weather forecast.
This is a simple current meter that lets you measure the average current draw of a variable load accurately.
A thermostat with an OLED capable of plugging into a USB port.
A 3D printed set of scales that uses a 5kg load sensor and HX711 module.
Build a sterilizer using a UV-C lamp and a 3D printed enclosure!
This controller enables gamers with limited mobility to use voice commands as additional inputs for playing video games.
Timer to set a custom time for developing of UV sensitive PCBs with built in safety feature.
This small PCB lets you learn Morse code and communicate with friends. Set up a telegraph network in your very own home!
Uses NTP server to display day, date, time in analog and digital fashion using OLED display.
A communication device enabling deaf users to engage in voice-to-text conversations with others, utilizing speech recognition.
Tamaguino was one of my first Arduino projects and my first game developed to run on a microcontroller.
Cooking a magnificent lasagna in the kitchen. Change the music on Sonos with a simple press on a physical button. Cincin!
How to use an OLED screen with a PSoC5.
Click a emoji on webpage then display on OLED dispaly. A small project try to driver OLED on Windows IoT and use AWS IoT Shadow.
Scan the environment with this ESP8266 based watch and get an Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity clean zone.
A highly configurable electronic game buddy for games such as Yahtzee, Poker, Blackjack, Rock/Paper/Scissors, Coin Toss and many more.
Easy clock project using Arduino nano and RTC DS1302 module with an Oled SSD1306 Display
Application notes for Pmod OLEDrgb and Arduino Uno. In this app, we will setup a message to display in different sizes and colors.
A interesting presentation of a clock that shows the current time on a linear time line.
This device can be mounted on any frame of glasses and will help users to maintain a distance of more than 1 meter in the post corona world.