This is a demo project for the Pmod OLEDrgb made by Digilent. The OLED screen is used to display pieces of text in different sizes and colors. To control the Pmod, an Arduino UNO is used. To communicate with the peripheral device, SPI communication is used , in SPI mode 3, with a minimum clock cycle time of 150ns. To make usage easier, the Adafruit_SSD1331.h library is used to control the display. This library needs the Adafruit-GFX library, which is a core graphics library, providing functions for displaying text and geometrics in different sizes and colors. For possible uses of the Adafruit-GFX library check:
Using the Pmod OLEDrgb with Arduino Uno
Application notes for Pmod OLEDrgb and Arduino Uno. In this app, we will setup a message to display in different sizes and colors.
Output of the Pmod OLEDrgb test program
Thanks to Lextronics.
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