This project shows how to convert a Decimal number into a Binary number with Arduino Mega.
A smart OLED-based identity card.
Test up to 12 servos with features such as setting movement range, velocity or acceleration, playback a sequence of positions & more
Simple weather forecasting using just an ATtiny85, a BMP280 pressure sensor and a 100+ year old algorithm.
A quick bed leveling tool for 3D printers.
I made a smart Watch. When initial status operate, time obtain for NTP server. After time obtain from it, time count using RTC in MCU
Protect your passwords with this unique password locker. Once unlocked you can automatically send Website credentials via Bluetooth.
This is the second version of a device I designed to alert me in the unfortunate event the nozzle clogs. It communicates with the printer!
In this tutorial we will learn how to display a Simple text on the MAX7219 8-digit Digital LED Display using Visuino. Watch the video.
In this tutorial we will learn how to connect several modules with an I2C connection to arduino. Watch the Video!
I built this little OLED name tag for events. It's really cool and can impress who-ever you meet. All built using XinaBox ☒CHIPS.
Unless you’re in a low pull contest Gladiator style, you will need an altimeter to skydive. Learn how to make an extensible low-cost Alti.
Edenoff, a TinyML Arduino device was modified for secure and interactive demos at Maker Faire Rome 2022
In this project information from multiple ESP8266 boards via the ESP-NOW communication protocol with a one-to-Many scenario.
Pick the time from a DCF77 radio signal and show it on an OLED display.
In this simple tutorial we wwill learn how to use a 20x4 I2C Character LCD display with Arduino Uno to display a simple text "Hello World.
10 Magnets and 2 Hall effect sensors form a angle encoder which is used to measure angles that are displayed on a OLED screen.
Learn how to display your image on 0.96" OLED screen.
Build a simple MQTT message board with Arduino Ethernet.
In this tutorial we will learn how to make a menu with a selection option using OLED Display and Visuino.
IN THIS PROJECT, I will display text on OLED with different fonts. all you need : arduino uno and oled
In this tutorial we will learn how to use a 1.3 Inch OLED Display SH1106 Arduino and Visuino software. Watch the Video!
A very simple way to make a tachometer where the result is displayed on an OLED display in the form of an RPM number and a progress bar
Let's keep an eye on the people we love by checking their oxygen saturation (spo2) and sending an SMS alert below a critical threshold!