pedalSHIELD MEGA is a programmable guitar pedal that works with the Arduino MEGA 2560 and MEGA ADK boards.
The project is Open Source & Open Hardware and aimed for hackers, musicians and programmers that want to learn about guitar effects and digital audio using standard C/C++ and the standard Arduino IDE. You can get inspired using the library of effects posted on the pedalSHIELD MEGA online forum.
We created some documents so you can do the project easily:
- Have a look to the "BEST pedalSHIELD MEGA Forum Topics"
- Based on Arduino MEGA 2560 / ADK (16MHz, 8KB RAM).
- Analog stages using TL972 rail-to-rail operational amplifier.
- ADC: 10bits.
- Output Stage: 16 bits (2x8bits PWMs running in parallel)
- OLED Screen: 128x64 resolution, 1.3 inches (also compatible with 0.96"), I2C.
- Interface:
- 2 Configurable push buttons.
- 1 Configurable switch.
- 1 programmable blue led.
- True Bypass Foot-switch
- OLED Display.
- Connectors:
- Input Jack, 1/4 inch unbalanced, Zin=0.5MΩ.
- Output Jack, 1/4 inch unbalanced, Zout=0.1Ω.
- Power supply: power taken from the Arduino MEGA board (12V DC).
You can check BliyzCityDIY deep review on Youtube:
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