UPDATE #2: Replicape Rev B is now launched on Kickstarter for only $99!
UPDATE: Replicape is now available for purchase!
Replicape is a 3D printer cape for BeagleBone.
Features include:
- 5 stepper motors (2.5A DRV8825) (X, Y, Z, Ext1, Ext2)
- 3 high power MOSFETs (PWM controlled) for 2 extruders and 1 HPB. (12..24V)
- 3 medium power MOSFETs (PWM controlled) for up to 3 fans/LED strips. (12V)
- 3 analog input ports for thermistors. noise-filtered inputs and option for shielding
- 6 inputs for end stops (X, Y, Z).
- 1 bus for Dallas 1W temperature sensor for monitoring the cold end. Many sensors can be added to ne bus.
- Programmable current limits on steppers motor drivers (SMD). No need to manually adjust a pot meter.
- Microstepping individually programmable for each SMD from 1 to 32.
- All steppers are controlled by the Programmable Realtime Unit (PRU) for hard real time operation.
- Option for stackable LCD cape (LCD3). HDMI compatible LCD on the way.
- Single 12 to 24V PSU, fans are still 12V.
- Comptabile with BeagleBone and BeagleBone Black.
- Open source hard ware and software.
- Software written in Python for maintainability and hackability.

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