Hi, my name is Emiel. I am a mechanical engineering student from Holland. This is my first real electronics project that is involving programming and more than just wiring up electronics and switches in parallel. In this project I'm trying to build a simple welding-bot. My goal is to learn as much a possible and make it as professional as possible. So far the only thing I bought is the Arduino and the potentiometers, I am planning on buying proper parts but don't know which ones to select. I learned a lot from YouTube and forums so far, but to really learn something I would like to get some feedback. I also have a few questions where I need some help. Would you like to help me? Thank you so much!
How it works:The purpose of the welding-bot is to rotate an object around and weld it at the same time. These are the steps that my welding-bot has to go through.
Step 1 - LED test
At the indication LED's blink a few times to make sure that they work. The LED's are there to indicate if the Arduino is ready (Green), if the motor is turning (Yellow) and if the welding torch relay is closed (Red).
Step 2 - Homing
Table starts turning until it hits the micro switch.
Step 3 - Cycle
First the welding torch relay will close and the welding torch will start welding after a delay (the Startdelay
= Startvertraging
) the motor starts turning until it hits the micro switch again. Then the motor will stop turning and after Stopdelay
) the welding torch relay will open and the welding torch stops welding.
If this isn't clear to understand, please leave a comment about it.
- Should I use capacitors? I see them in almost all electronics but I don't know why the use them.
- Which value of resistance should I choose for my pull-down resistors?
- Which resistance value should I choose for my potentiometers?
- Which type of diodes should I use parallel to my motor and relay against voltage spikes?
- What is a good type of MOSFET's to use in this case?
- How can I program my Arduino so I can change the motor speed during the cycle? I know it's possible to wire a potentiometer in series with the MOSFET gate but, I would like to use PWM to control the motor speed so I can give a minimal voltage by setting the minimum duty cycle at 30%.
Thank you so much for spending the time to read this and maybe leaving a comment to help me. I am planning to make it on a perforated board, and make an aluminium enclosure for it. If you would like to see this and a test run, leave it in the comments.
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