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Escape Velocity Labs
Published © CC BY-NC-ND

Falling-Up Robot with Stepper Motors

Balancing robot is 6 feet tall and wants to stand with you.

AdvancedWork in progressOver 8 days1,929
Falling-Up Robot with Stepper Motors

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Teensy 3.6
Teensy 3.6
Teensy ILI9341 TFT Display
NEMA23 Dual Shaft Stepper Motor
CUI AMT10 Encoder
ST-M5045 Microstep Driver
LSM6DS3 6-dof IMU

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Main Board with Teensy 3.6

The SPI devices, the LSM6DS3 IMU and TFT display, are highly susceptible to EMI. It's best to use CAT6 (or higher) cables and make them as short as possible. All jumpers on the breadboard should also be as short and flat as possible. Also very important, decouple the ground planes between the main microcontroller board and stepper drivers and encoders with optoisolation.


Source Code Not Available

Eigen, an important library that performs matrix algebra like Matlab, can be found here:
Eigen simplified implementing the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF).
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Escape Velocity Labs
1 project • 0 followers


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