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Profe Tolocka
Published © GPL3+

GPS Speedometer with M5Stick and UIFlow

In this article, I’ll show you how to make a GPS Speedometer with M5Stick programmed in UIFlow to avoid getting fined for speeding.

BeginnerFull instructions provided1 hour546
GPS Speedometer with M5Stick and UIFlow

Things used in this project

Hardware components

M5Stack m5StickC Plus2
Mini GPS/BDS Unit
M5Stack Mini GPS/BDS Unit

Software apps and online services

M5Stack uiflow


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GPS Speedometer

GPS Speedometer with M5Stick and UIFlow1


Profe Tolocka

Profe Tolocka

3 projects • 6 followers
Teacher. Maker. Tech Content Creator https://linktr.ee/profetolocka
