This is a kind of inspiration from the words of my staff who said that in future tube light and washing machine generates its own power as it requires. As renewable energy contributes to efficient energy collection, efficient storage and transport and efficient energy conversion and pollution less. Among the renewable energy sources, typically solar energy affords great potential for conversion into electric power. Solar energy has been widely used in human life. Lots of power wasted by keeping solar cell rigidly and by placing it in open space. Energy harvesting is not always maximized which is due to the static placement of the cell which limits their area of exposure. So, the system is designed to track the sun in the day time and rigid during night time (as artificial light also stays rigid). Solar cells are capable of absorbing light emitted from the sun, incandescent light, CFL bulbs, Tube lights, LED bulbs, etc., so the solar cell is not left idle during the night time too. The window can be controlled either manually through the internet or fully automated. The IoT (Internet of Things) technology and receiving voltage from artificial light is a goal of this project.
1.1 Steps to setup bolt Wi-Fi module
1.2 URL
2.1 Components
2.2 Working
2.3 Observation
1.1 STEPS TO SETUP BOLT WI-FI MODULE:· To set up the bolt Wi-Fi module, refer the link:
· To create product in bolt home page:
Connect your Bolt Device to the Bolt Cloud as per instructions. First open:
1. Open the bolt home page and click products as shown.
2. Click add button
3. Build the product to control LED as output devices, select UART and press done.📷
4. Link that device with bolt device by clicking the chain option, click API and generate API key, press enable.No need to configure.
1.2 URL:The whole system is controlled in two ways as automated and manual control. To control it manually from anywhere, URL can be typed in any kind of search engine.
To turn on the LED:
To turn off the LED:
API key: 0e2ec95c-9722-xxxx-810-2feca1e3d776
Command: serialWrite
Pin number: 5
PWM value: 225(ON) & 0 (OFF)
Arduino board is connected to the Wi-Fi module through UART pins. Transmitter and receiver of the Arduino board are connected to the receiver and transmitter of the Wi-Fi module respectively. Commands are given in a format of URL to the Wi-Fi module and received by the controller through UART communication.
Arduino UNO is the open-source microcontroller board based on the microchip ATmega328P. It is used to control the servo rotation according to the difference between the two LDR readings, thus solar cell rotates. Power supply is given only to the Arduino board, it powers up the Wi-Fi module.
Servo motor:
A servo motor is a device that can push or rotate an object with great precision. It just made of the simple motor which runs through the servo mechanism. They are being used to rotate the solar cell as per the desired function of the microcontroller.
A Light Dependent Resistor or photoresistor is an active component that decreases resistance with respect to receiving luminosity on the component’s sensitive surface. It is used to measure the intensity of light falls on it, two LDRs are used.
Solar cell:
A solar cell, or photovoltaic cell, is an electrical device that converts the energy of light, directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect. It is a device whose electrical characteristics, such as current, voltage, or resistance, vary when exposed to light. Solar cells can absorb both sunlight and artificial light. In this project, the polycrystalline solar cell is used. (Monocrystalline cell gives good yield, mostly in case of artificial light.)
When the LED is turned ON, the servo motor rotates to 180 degrees, facing inside to absorb artificial light. It is placed rigid as the artificial light is rigid too. When the LED is turned OFF, it is converted into the automated mode and starts to move according to the intensity of light. The LED is controlled using the URL through the Bolt Wi-Fi module.
Solar cells can be fitted on the jalousie type windows. One LDR (say ldr1) is placed facing inside and other LDR (say ldr2) facing outside. A servo motor is fixed to the stile of the jalousie window and solar cells are fixed in place of glasses. During day time it tilts within its limit (as it is a jalousie window) according to the movement of the sun. When the ldr2 reads value as 0 then it indicates the sun sets so rotates towards inside, if the light is kept ON. Rotation commands are given using the Arduino board and Arduino IDE. To control it manually from any place, it is connected cloud using theBolt Wi-Fi module. As it was a jalousie window; during day time, rotational angles range between 0 and 50. During night time, it becomes 180 degrees (cells facing inside). The LED can be turned ON if the user wishes to shut the window. This LED is controlled using URL through the cloud.
2.3 OBSERVATION:The 5volt is required to power up both the Arduino board and the Wi-Fi module. This solar cell was tested in two conditions as inside and outside. The cell used for testing this is 6volt, 100mA, polycrystalline solar cell.
Cell facing outside:While facing outside, the intensity of light varies day to day as some days were sunny, cloudy, rainy, etc..,. The minimum voltage obtained is 3.88 volts.
Cell facing inside:While facing inside, the intensity of light is tested with various artificial lights like incandescent light, CFL bulbs, Tube lights, LED bulbs. (Voltage depends on placement of solar cell)
Continuous Voltage > Continuous current > Increase in heat dissipated in the coil> Increase in temperature of the coil > increase in intensity of the lamp> Increase in multimeter readings
Lamps do not follow the ideal ohm’s law. The voltage drawn by the filament will be dependent on temperature. Voltage varies according to the position of the solar cell, where it has placed.
1. CAR PARKING: Mostly car parking is in the underground where the sunlight never enters. we can place the solar panels beside the light and absorb the light energy and convert it to electricity.
2. HOUSE: In house it can be placed in the place of windows.
3. OFFICE: Mostly office walls are of glasses, we can place a solar glass, sunlight during the morning shift and artificial light during the night shift.
4. etc.,
4. CONCLUSION:The main idea of this project is a conventional type solar panel, control through the internet, absorbing artificial light.
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