Nobody would like to write this article, let alone develop this project. But if you care about your health and the lives of your family, read this full article.
This project has a much greater purpose than teaching you, It aims to encourage you to have basic health care in this period of worldwide quarantine.
The Covid 19 VirusThe COVID 19 virus is very dangerous and we need to be careful with him. We must, first of all, take basic precautions such as:
- Use alcohol;
- Hand wash with soap;
- Wear clean clothes;
- Avoid contact with other people on the streets;
- Use a mask;
- Use gloves.
To raise awareness and help our large user community, we created the module for Arduino COVID 19.
The COVID 19 Arduino ModuleThis is the module developed. It is presented in Figure 1. Our goal with JLCPCB is to raise awareness and help them to take care of their health and protect themselves from COVID 19.
From this module, we will develop some educational activities in order to show the risks of the virus in people. As you can see in Figure 1, we have 3 LED's and a button.
Through your Arduino, you can control each LED of the virus and also, read the button connected to the virus.
The Printed Circuit Board has 6 pins. Each pin can be connected in another pin of the Arduino.
This printed circuit board was developed from the design of the electronic schematic. The project is presented in the following topic.
The Electronic Project of the COVID 19 VirusThe project presented in Figure 2 was developed with Free Online Software EasyEDA. Through the software we add 3 LED's, one button and a header pin to connnect with the Arduino.
After drawing the electronic schematic, we develop the schematic design of the project. The Printed Circuit Board project is presented in Figure 2.
In this project, the printed circuit board has the shape of a virus. In its eye have a LED to signal its eye. The other two LEDs are in the face of the virus.
The button was inserted below your mouth.
From this virus printed circuit board, it is possible to create a project.
Now, we'll create a project with the virus printed circuit board.
The Project to Prevent COVID-19 Virus InfectionThe COVID-19 virus has a high degree of infection, that is, if you get close and have contact with an infected person, you can also be infected. Therefore, it is very important to avoid contact with the hands, body and to kiss other people.
In this period of world quarantine, it is very important that you keep your mask and distance from other people on the street.
Thus, you are protecting yourself and other people, in case you have the virus.
We will develop the following project. We will use the ultrasonic sensor with Arduino and the Virus Module.
The project developed below aims to be educational and to raise awareness among young people and adults in the classroom about the risks of COVID 19.
The distances used in the program are not real, so if you want to know more about distances and other information, access the following article: Read the article.
This printed circuit board is not designed to be installed on people. The Printecd Circuit Board has the objective of being applied in didactic teaching of protection against the virus.
The Circuit of the Project
The circuit of the project is presented below in Figure 4. Figure 4 presents three LED's connected in an Arduino Nano. In addition, we have an ultrasonic sensor to detect the distance between the person and the virus.
The LED connected in digital pin 12 is for the Left Face, LED in digital pin 11 is for the eye and the digital pin 10 is for Left Face of the virus. Now, we'll learn how the code works to control this project.
From this electronic schematic in breadboard, was developed the code presented below.
#include "Ultrasonic.h"
#define echoPin 6
#define trigPin 7
#define eye 11
#define FaceLeft 12
#define FaceRight 10
Ultrasonic ultrasonic(trigPin,echoPin);
byte distance = 0;
void setup()
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(FaceLeft, OUTPUT);
pinMode(eye, OUTPUT);
pinMode(FaceRight, OUTPUT);
void loop()
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
distance = (ultrasonic.Ranging(CM));
if(distance > 70)
digitalWrite(eye, LOW);
digitalWrite(FaceLeft, LOW);
digitalWrite(FaceRight, LOW);
if(distance > 45 && distance <= 70)
digitalWrite(eye, LOW);
digitalWrite(FaceLeft, LOW);
digitalWrite(FaceRight, HIGH);
if(distance > 20 && distance <= 45)
digitalWrite(eye, LOW);
digitalWrite(FaceLeft, HIGH);
digitalWrite(FaceRight, HIGH);
if(distance >= 0 && distance <= 20)
digitalWrite(eye, HIGH);
digitalWrite(FaceLeft, HIGH);
digitalWrite(FaceRight, HIGH);
The code presented below is very simples and we'll explain now. Firstly, we include the library and defines the names of the pins. This is presented below.
#include "Ultrasonic.h"
#define echoPin 6
#define trigPin 7
#define eye 11
#define FaceLeft 12
#define FaceRight 10
this, was declared the object ultrasonic and was created the distance variable, as is shown below.
Ultrasonic ultrasonic(trigPin,echoPin);
byte distancee = 0;
After that, the Arduino performs a trigger on the ultrasonic sensor trigger, waits while the system receives the echo and calculates the distance in centimeters between the sensor and the object.
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
distance = (ultrasonic.Ranging(CM));
Hereafter, the system will verify what is the distance between the person and the virus. The block of code to verify the distance is presented below.
if(distance > 70)
digitalWrite(eye, LOW);
digitalWrite(FaceLeft, LOW);
digitalWrite(FaceRight, LOW);
if(distance > 45 && distance <= 70)
digitalWrite(eye, LOW);
digitalWrite(FaceLeft, LOW);
digitalWrite(FaceRight, HIGH);
if(distance > 20 && distance <= 45)
digitalWrite(eye, LOW);
digitalWrite(FaceLeft, HIGH);
digitalWrite(FaceRight, HIGH);
if(distance >= 0 && distance <= 20)
digitalWrite(eye, HIGH);
digitalWrite(FaceLeft, HIGH);
digitalWrite(FaceRight, HIGH);
When the distance is more than 70 centimeters, you'll be in a security distance and will not be infected by the virus. In this condition, all LED's will be off.
In the second condition, if the person approaches the virus and is within a distance of between 20 centimeters and 45 centimeters, the virus will activate the LED on the right side to indicate that the person is in an alert zone. At this distance, the virus will still be sleeping.
In the third condition, if the person is between 20 cm and 45 cm away, the virus will have the 2 LED's on the face turned on. This will indicate that the person is in a high-risk zone to be infected. At this point, the virus will be signaled, but it will not be awake yet.
Finally, if the person is less than 20 cm away from the virus, he will wake up, as the LED of the eye will be activated. At that point, you will be infected with COVID-19.
Fortunately, you can save yourself. To do this, you must stay away from the virus. That way, he'll sleep again and you'll be protected from COVID-19.
Did you notice how important it is to be away from the virus?An adequate way to protect yourself is to stay away from the virus, that is, avoid being around other people and protect yourself by using alcohol and soap to wash your hands, avoid close contact with other people and stay at home.
We emphasize once again that this project is not intended to be installed in people.
The project was developed to help people understand the risks of COVID 19 and apply the project in classroom education through Arduino. So, you'll protect yourself and your friends, family, and neighbors from your street.
So, if you want to know the actual distances and other information about COVID 19, try reading scientific articles from scientific journals.
We and JLCPCB care about your health. Take cover! Do your duty and the world will be better.
We thanks the LOW PRICER LCSC Components Store to offer all electronic components to develop this project.
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