This Project is not mine to begin with. I stumbled upon this Youtube video in which someone from Japan managed to replicate IKEA Klockis Travel clock with a M5Stack Fire.
I managed to found out its source code from the blog of the user @yankee" on I made very small changes-additions to make it MQTT compliant and posting it here in English, all original work and thanks goes to @yankee.
This project is a replication of IKEA Klockis Travel Clock on M5Stack:
M5stack Version shows date and time, and when you roll it over 90 degrees it shows temperature, and roll it again there comes timer and roll one more time, there it is, the alarm setting page:
Gets the time date from NTPServer. This screen also shows Battery Left / Charging.
2. Temperature Page:Gets the temperature from MQTT message.
3. Alarm Page:Alarm blinks the RGB LEDs and buzzer sound included. Can be set by MQTT message.
4. Timer Page:Alarm blinks the RGB LEDs and buzzer sound included. Can be set by MQTT message.
MQTT API:Command Topic: m5ikea/commandCommand message:{
"temperature": -8,
"brightness": 10,
"powersave": true,
"timer" : "03:15",
"alarm" : "14:12"
You can use only one of, or more of the commands in the json like:
{"temperature": 34}
temperature (signed float): It still will show as signed integer in the clock.
brightness (unsigned integer): Between 0-100, 100 being brightest, 1 dimmest, 0 shut down LCD.
powersave (boolean): true dims the LCD to "10" after keeping the clock some sceonds in the same position, whether plugged in or battery.
timer (char, XX:XX): 00:00 to 99:99
alarm (char, XX:XX): 00:00 to 23:59
This uses the MPU8668 accelerator version of M5Stack Fire (core). If your m5Stack has MPU9250 (Early version) or other, you need to change the accelerometer code.
Compiled with Arduino IDE 2.0
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