Gabriel Alejandro Giraldo Santiago
Published © GPL3+

IA Monitoring Earthquake Structures

Design and build a system for monitoring structural movements in smart buildings with Infineon 3D Magnetic 2Go.

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Arduino Diagram

Beaglebone Diagram



This is the final code to load on the Arduino board. It is still in test and improvements, if you identify errors or improvements please tell us.
/* nitial sketch by Mark J. Hughes for
* Modified and adapted for the sensor 3D Magnetic Sensor 2Go TLE493D A2B6
  By: Gabriel A. Giraldo and Jeremy Patrick

//--- Begin Includes ---//
#include <I2C.h>       //

// Variable Declaration
const byte addr = 0x5E; // default address of magnetic sensor 0x5E, 0x3E or 0X1F
byte rbuffer[10];       // store data from sensor read registers
byte delaytime = 1;     // time to wait before next read
bool PRINT_RAW_VALUES = false;

//--- Begin Setup ---//
void setup() {
  Serial.begin(115200);      // Begin serial connection for debug.
  I2c.begin();              // Begin IC I2c communication
  I2c.write(addr, 0x00,0x05);
//--- End of Setup --//

//--- Begin Main Program Loop --//
void loop() {
  delay(delaytime); // wait time between reads.
  // Read sensor registers and store in rbuffer,7);
      for(int i=0; i < 7; i++){
        rbuffer[i] = I2c.receive();

  // Goto decode functions below     
  int x = decodeX(rbuffer[0],rbuffer[4]);
  int y = decodeY(rbuffer[1],rbuffer[4]);
  int z = decodeZ(rbuffer[2],rbuffer[5]);
  int t = decodeT(rbuffer[3],rbuffer[6]);

  if(rbuffer[3] & B00000011 != 0){ // If bits are not 0, TLV is still reading Bx, By, Bz, or T
    Serial.println("Data read error!");

  else {

//-- End of Main Program Loop --//

//-- Begin Buffer Decode Routines --//
int decodeX(int a, int b){
/* Shift all bits of register 0 to the left 4 positions.  Bit 8 becomes bit 12.  Bits 0:3 shift in as zero.
 * Determine which of bits 4:7 of register 4 are high, shift them to the right four places -- remask in case
 * they shift in as something other than 0.  bitRead and bitWrite would be a bit more elegant in next version
 * of code.
  int ans = ( a << 4 ) | (((b & B11110000) >> 4) & B00001111);

  if( ans >= 2048){ ans = ans - 4096; } // Interpret bit 12 as +/-
  return ans;

int decodeY(int a, int b){
/* Shift all bits of register 1 to the left 4 positions.  Bit 8 becomes bit 12.  Bits 0-3 shift in as zero.
 * Determine which of the first four bits of register 4 are true.  Add to previous answer.

  int ans = (a << 4) | (b & B00001111);
  if( ans >= 2048){ ans = ans - 4096;} // Interpret bit 12 as +/-
  return ans;

int decodeZ(int a, int b){
/* Shift all bits of register 2 to the left 4 positions.  Bit 8 becomes bit 12.  Bits 0-3 are zero.
 * Determine which of the first four bits of register 5 are true.  Add to previous answer.
  int ans = (a << 4) | (b & B00001111);
  if( ans >= 2048){ ans = ans - 4096;}
  return ans;

int decodeT(int a, int b){
/* Determine which of the last 4 bits of register 3 are true.  Shift all bits of register 3 to the left 
 * 4 positions.  Bit 8 becomes bit 12.  Bits 0-3 are zero.
 * Determine which of the first four bits of register 6 are true.  Add to previous answer.
  int ans;
  a &= B11110000;
  ans = (a << 4) | b;
  if( ans >= 2048){ ans -= 4096;}
  return ans;

float convertToMag(int a){
  return a * 0.098;

float convertToCelsius(int a){
  return (a-320)* 1.1;


Code for BeagleBone translate from C ++ to Python by Jeremy Patrick.
## Requires to fix the read function in python I2C MRAA, line 1128 :

    # def read(self, length):
    #     """
    #     read(I2c self, int length) -> int

    #     Parameters
    #     ----------
    #     length: int
    #     """
    #     return _mraa.I2c_read(self, length)

import time
import mraa
import struct

delaytime = 0.001

print("Initialising the sensor")

I2C_ADDRESS = 0x5e
magSensor = mraa.I2c(2, True)

rbuffer = bytearray([0]*10)

magSensor.writeReg(0x00, 0x05)

print("Sensor set to low power mode")

def decodeX( a,  b):
	ans = ( a << 4 ) | (((b & 0b11110000) >> 4) & 0b00001111)
	if( ans >= 2048):
		ans = ans - 4096
	return ans

def decodeY( a,  b):
	ans = (a << 4) | (b & 0b00001111)
	if( ans > 2048):
		ans = ans - 4096
	return ans

def decodeZ( a,  b):
	ans = (a << 4) | (b & 0b00001111)
	if( ans >= 2048):
		ans = ans - 4096
	return ans

def decodeT( a,  b):
	a &= 0b11110000
	ans = (a << 4) | b
	if( ans > 2048):
		ans -= 4096
	return ans

def convertToMag(a):
	return a * 0.098

def convertToCelsius(a):
	return (a-320)* 1.1

while (True):
	answer =, 7)
	rbuffer = struct.unpack('BBBBBBB', answer)
	x = decodeX(rbuffer[0],rbuffer[4])
	y = decodeY(rbuffer[1],rbuffer[4])
	z = decodeZ(rbuffer[2],rbuffer[5])
	t = decodeT(rbuffer[3],rbuffer[6])

	if((rbuffer[3] & 0b00000011) != 0): # If bits are not 0, TLV is still reading Bx, By, Bz, or T
		print("Data read error!")
		#print("%d \t %d \t %d \t %d" % (x,y,z,t)) # Raw values
		print("%f \t %f \t %f \t %f" % (convertToMag(x),convertToMag(y),convertToMag(z),convertToCelsius(t)))

Library I2C Master

Library Infineon 2Go


Gabriel Alejandro Giraldo Santiago
14 projects • 86 followers
Seeed Ranger, AI and Computer Vision expert for key industries. Mentor and speaker on AI, startups, and no-code. Maker enthusiast.
Thanks to HACKING STEM MICROSOFT, Jeremy Patrick , and Mark J. Hughes.
