*The APDS-9960 sensor does not work with the Arduino Nano or Mega 2560 (in my testing).
This project is easy to make and use. Feel free to use any kind of servo or latching mechanism with this project. This is meant to be a starting platform for a gesture based lock. Onto building!
MaterialsI got most of my parts from Amazon.com and the APDS-9960 sensor from Sparkfun. You can only use an Arduino Uno or Micro 3.3v so far, as any other board won't work for some odd reason.
AssemblyAttach the LCD as shown. If you don't have a 10k potentiometer, use a 1k resistor going from contrast to GND. The APDS-9960 sensor will need to be shifted if using the Arduino Uno, so what I did is take the SCL and SDA and connect them to a 4.7k resistor, then draw them high by taking the 4.7k resistor to 3.3v. Then connect them to A4 and A5, accordingly (see schematic). The Arduino can run off of a 9v battery with a DC power barrel attached.
EnclosureI used a simple cardboard box and cut holes out of it to match where the components would go. You could solder this all to a piece of perfboard, but I just left it in the breadboard and connected jumper wires to the components. After I was finished, it looked like this.
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