This DIY Wireless Door Sensor project allows you to monitor your doors remotely and receive alerts when a door is opened or closed.
Upon scanning the right tag and entering right pass, it will open door and send confirmation message otherwise it will send alert message.
Arduino Safe - 6 digit Passcode
To open the door, the user will have to first scan the right tag and then he will have to enter the correct password.
An up to six digit number code that enables you to unlock a secret container.
In this tutorial, I am going to show how you can make combinational lock using push button and Arduino.
An internet-connected, servo-driven deadbolt actuator that can be operated remotely using a smartphone.
Open your door with a special knock using Arduino, Android Phone and 1Sheeld
This tutorial shows how to make a servo lock.
An IoT device that helps prevent gun suicides through safe monitoring, only allowing access to a safe through a request/approval process.
Made a COVID-19 NFC Mask Detector, to ensure everyone who enters and exits the office to wearing a face mask.
User will first scan the right tag and then enter the password for that tag to open the door lock. Master tag will add/rem other tags.
Control a lock by inputting a password via hand gestures.
Using an old car keyfob and a Particle Electron, you can remotely lock and unlock your vehicle.
Authenticate with the veins in your palm.
The entrance is one of the main devices in your house, yet it uses pretty old tech. Now you can upgrade your door to the IoT century!
Type your set password using the keypad and open the door lock.
The system will only give access on scanning the right tag. There will be a master tag that will be used to add/remove other tags.
Using RFID card you can lock or unlock your door.
Unlock doors of your home by rotating a simple magnet!
Sets the door code to the last 4 digits of the next guest's phone number before they arrive.
Use the power of machine learning to read your tapping pattern and keep your bike safe from potential thieves.
This smart lock allows create rules and scheduled actions with your voice using Alexa and a new unlock feature using smartphone fingerprint.
How to make simple USB device which allows you to very quickly unlock your computer without keyboard.