Tired of a sneaky roommate or sibling always stealing your stuff? This project allows you to keep them away from personal belongings. A person can scan their NFC card with the NFC reader and then be granted access to the box.
PartsAdd an imageDelete this imageElegoo was kind enough to sponsor this project by sending out their Arduino Mega 2560 Ultimate Starter Kit. The kit has over 200 components, making it perfect for prototyping projects with the Arduino mega 2560. I decided to use the NFC module and servo for my project.
I first went and bought a box that could be easily opened. Then I designed a locking mechanism with Fusion 360. It lets a micro servo move a locking arm to close and secure the box.
The code needs the MFRC522 library, which can be found on the manage libraries menu in the Arduino IDE. Each NFC card has a unique ID, which is represented by 4 bytes. The code has that ID as an array, and when a card is detected and read it gets compared to the array. If there is a match the servo moves to unlock the box.
Here is a video demonstrating the usage of the NFC lock box: