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Gaurav Mishra
Published © GPL3+

Read Accelerometer X and Y Axis Readings from the FRDM K82F

The FRDM K82F has an onboard accelerometer. We would be reading the X and Y axis values using the serial monitor.

BeginnerProtip30 minutes645
Read Accelerometer X and Y Axis Readings from the FRDM K82F

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Kinetis Freedom Board with FlexIO
NXP Kinetis Freedom Board with FlexIO

Software apps and online services

Tera Term
Kinetis SDK
Kinetis Design Studio (KDS)


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Bubble Level Demo

Reads the x and y axis readings from the FRDM K82F onboard accelerometer and changes the color of the LED.
Available in the Kinesis K82F SDK


Gaurav Mishra

Gaurav Mishra

4 projects • 20 followers
Electronics professional working in Advanced Engineering of an automotive OEM.
