Project #25 - Movement - SD - Mk12
An Ikea hack that transforms any surface into an ambient, smart interface using Raspberry Pi, a laser projector, and Android Things.
Find out how the world turns. Read the values of the accelerometer and the gyroscope.
This wirelessly controlled robot car uses gesture: tilt/orientation of hand to drive forward, backward, left or right.
Uses an accelerometer to level a platform.
Detect flight data of a drone, like altitude, speed, GPS position and many other. Besides, we can take incredible aerial pictures!
Hello all, welcome to another Arduino Sensor Tutorial, in this Blog, we will learn how to wire and code MPU 6050, lets start!
A robot that can climb long vertical poles to clean/paint them, or for security, surveillance or military purposes by attaching a camera.
A fully autonomous fixed-wing glider designed to safely return a payload after being deployed on near-space missions.
Connected Arduino-based sensor uses a cellular model to report data to Ubidots IOT site.
Play tennis on a Neopixel matrix and an accelerometer with an Arduino! It's like Mario Tennis meets makers!
Spending $1,000 on suspension repairs because the city failed to fix the potholes? This project makes sure that never happens again.
An IoT device that helps prevent gun suicides through safe monitoring, only allowing access to a safe through a request/approval process.
An intelligent device for seniors which detects falls and sends emergency alert messages with location information using a cellular network
Use the new Pebble Time watch to control a Sumobot using the accelerometer as a controller.
The Arduino 9 Axes Motion Shield allows your Arduino to measure movement: orientation, acceleration and magnetic field.
Collect data such as step count, lost calories, temperature, etc.
Logs GPS location whenever it detects movement.
Light show synchronized to music? Automatic lighting? Earthquake analysis? Just use a Curie!
The (most likely) smallest Arduino-compatible sewable pico-Platinchen #SENSableTHING
Arduino Nano and Visuino: Convert Acceleration to Angle From Accelerometer and Gyroscope MPU6050 I2C Sensor - quick and easy.
Collecting and analyzing data to predict which F1 car will finish the race first.
A mountable, self-contained unit for capturing the moment of riding a bike for the first time!
This is a MPU-6050 Windows IoT solution that uses interrupts, fifo, constant sampling (50hz) with no DMP.