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Published © MIT

Fall Detection System with Edge Impulse and Blues Wireless

An intelligent device for seniors which detects falls and sends emergency alert messages with location information using a cellular network

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Fall Detection System with Edge Impulse and Blues Wireless

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Blues Notecard (Cellular)
Blues Notecard (Cellular)
Blues Notecarrier A with AA Battery Harness
Raspberry Pi Pico
Raspberry Pi Pico
Seeed Studio Grove - ADXL345 - 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer
SparkFun Multicolor Buttons - 4-pack
Schottky Rectifier, 20 V
Schottky Rectifier, 20 V
Male Header 40 Position 1 Row (0.1")
Male Header 40 Position 1 Row (0.1")
Standoff, Nylon (Polyamide)
Standoff, Nylon (Polyamide)
Seeed Studio Grove Female Header - DIP-4P-2.0mm
Seeed Studio Grove - Universal 4 Pin Buckled 5cm Cable
Generic Pouch

Software apps and online services

Edge Impulse Studio
Edge Impulse Studio
Blues Notehub.io
Blues Notehub.io
PCBPartner - PCB fabrication service
Twilio SMS Service
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Solder Wire, Lead Free
Solder Wire, Lead Free


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61 projects • 216 followers
Researcher | Maker | IoT | Machine Learning | Robotics


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