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Naman Chauhan
Published © GPL3+

Using 9 Axes Motion Shield with Arduino

The Arduino 9 Axes Motion Shield allows your Arduino to measure movement: orientation, acceleration and magnetic field.

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Using 9 Axes Motion Shield with Arduino

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Arduino 9 Axes Motion Shield

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Accelerometer using 9 AXES MOTION SHIELD

#include "NAxisMotion.h"
#include <Wire.h>
//Object that for the sensor
NAxisMotion mySensor;
//Flag to indicate if an interrupt was detected
bool intDetected = false;
//At a Range of 4g, the threshold
//is set at 39.05mg or 0.3830m/s2.
//This Range is the default for NDOF Mode
int threshold = 5;
//At a filter Bandwidth of 62.5Hz,
//the duration is 8ms.
//This Bandwidth is the default for NDOF Mode
int duration = 1;
//To know which interrupt was triggered
bool anyMotion = true;
//This code is executed once
void setup() {
  //Peripheral Initialization
  //Initialize the Serial Port to view information on the Serial Monitor
  //Initialize I2C communication to the let the library communicate with the sensor.
  //Sensor Initialization
  Serial.println("Please wait. Initialization in process.");
  //The I2C Address can be changed here inside this function in the library
  //Can be configured to other operation modes as desired
  //The default is AUTO. Changing to manual requires
  //calling the relevant update functions prior to calling the read functions
  //Setting to MANUAL  requires lesser reads to the sensor
  //Attach the interrupt to the Interrupt Service Routine
  //for a Rising Edge. Change the interrupt pin depending on the board
  attachInterrupt(INT_PIN, motionISR, RISING);
  //Setup the initial interrupt to trigger at No Motion
  mySensor.enableSlowNoMotion(threshold, duration, NO_MOTION);
  anyMotion = false;
  //Accelerometer interrupts can be triggered from all 3 axes
  mySensor.accelInterrupts(ENABLE, ENABLE, ENABLE);
  Serial.println("This is a game to test how steady you can move an object with one hand. \n
                            Keep the device on a table and mark 2 points.");
  Serial.println("Move the Device from one place to another
                            without triggering the Any Motion Interrupt.\n\n");
  delay(1000); //Delay for the player(s) to read
  Serial.println("Move the device around and then place it at one position.\n
                            Change the threshold and duration to increase the difficulty level.");
  Serial.println("Have fun!\n\n"); 
void loop() //This code is looped forever
  if (intDetected)
    if (anyMotion)
      Serial.println("You moved!! Try again. Keep the Device at one place.\n");
      intDetected = false;
      //Reset the interrupt line
      //Disable the Any motion interrupt
      //Enable the No motion interrupt
      //(can also use the Slow motion instead)
      mySensor.enableSlowNoMotion(threshold, duration, NO_MOTION);
      anyMotion = false;
      Serial.println("Device is not moving. You may start again.\n\n\n");
      intDetected = false;
      //Reset the interrupt line
      //Disable the Slow or No motion interrupt
      //Enable the Any motion interrupt
      mySensor.enableAnyMotion(threshold, duration);
      anyMotion = true;
//Interrupt Service Routine
//when the sensor triggers an Interrupt
void motionISR() {
  intDetected = true;


Naman Chauhan
41 projects • 129 followers
Programmer, electronic adept masquerading as Computer Science student. Email for Cooperation/Sponsorships to chauhannaman98@gmail.com
