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Chip McClelland
Published © GPL3+

Cellular Data Logger

Connected Arduino-based sensor uses a cellular model to report data to Ubidots IOT site.

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Cellular Data Logger

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Adafruit FONA
2000 mAH Battery
Texas Instruments TPS63031
Microchip ATMEGA328p
MAXIM DS1339 Real Time Clock
2G SIM and GPRS Data Plan (6mo/5Gb/$42)
Custom fabricated PCB
OSH Park Custom fabricated PCB


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Custom parts and enclosures

EAGLE Files for Cellular Data Logger Board

These are the EAGLE files for the custom circuit board and schematic.

EAGLE Schematic File


OSHPark Board Design

You can order these boards directly form OSHPark

Bill of Materials

The parts you need to build the custom board (plus the stuff in the list above)

Circuit Diagram

Board Layout


Sample Code for FONA and Ubidots

Load with Arduino IDE


Chip McClelland

Chip McClelland

6 projects • 138 followers
I build connected sensors.
