Published © LGPL

ADXL345 accelerometer "screen orientation"

Can you keep it upright?

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ADXL345 accelerometer "screen orientation"

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
SparkFun Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout - ADXL345
SparkFun Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout - ADXL345
MAXX7219 Display unit
Generic single 8*8 LED display using the MAXX7219 chip
4K7 resistor
Stripboard 37*24 holes
0.1 inch connector socket 15 way
For Nano
0.1 inch connector socket 8 way
For ADXL345 (I suggest a right angle version)
0.1 inch connector plug 5 way
For display connection

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


Read more


Circuit board for Nano, accelerometer & display


Screen rotation code

 * December 2021
 * Use adxl345 to rotate display through portrait and landscape modes depending on sensor orientation.
 * Sketch is based on Example -> Adafruit ADXL345 -> sensortest.ino
 * Orientation code source:
 * Datasheet AN3461 - 6 Selecting portrait and landscape modes 
 * (checked Dec 2021)

// Circuit:
// ADXL345 pinout
// Gnd to Gnd
// Vcc to +5v
// SDA to Nano pin A5
// SCL to Nano pin A4
// Resistors 
// 4K7 pullup resistor one end to Vcc the other to Nano pin A4
// 4K7 pullup resistor one end to Vcc the other to Nano pin A5
// MAXX7219 pinout
// Vcc to +5v
// Gnd to Gnd
// Din to Nano pin 10
// CS to Nano pin 11
// CLK to Nano pin 13

// Additional libraries used
// Adafruit Unified Sensor
// Adafruit ADXL345 
// These can be installed via Sketch -> Include Libraries -> Manage Libraries...  (you will need to be online)
// Installing Adafruit ADXL345 first will prompt for Adafruit Unified Sensor to be installed - you need both

#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#include <Adafruit_ADXL345_U.h>

#include <LedControl.h>
 Now we need a LedControl to work with.
 ***** These pin numbers will probably not work with your hardware *****
 pin xx is connected to the DataIn 
 pin xx is connected to the CLK 
 pin xx is connected to LOAD 
 We have only a single MAX72XX.
// Matrix
#define PIN_DATAIN 11
#define PIN_CLK 13
#define PIN_LOAD 10 

LedControl lc = LedControl(PIN_DATAIN, PIN_CLK, PIN_LOAD, 1);

/* Assign a unique ID to this sensor at the same time */
Adafruit_ADXL345_Unified accel = Adafruit_ADXL345_Unified(12345);

#define zero_x 1.569
#define zero_y 1.569
#define zero_z 1.569

void setup(void) 
#ifndef ESP8266
  while (!Serial); // for Leonardo/Micro/Zero
  Serial.println("Accelerometer Test"); Serial.println("");
  /* Initialise the sensor */
    /* There was a problem detecting the ADXL345 ... check your connections */
    Serial.println("Ooops, no ADXL345 detected ... Check your wiring!");

  /* Set the range to whatever is appropriate for your project */
  // accel.setRange(ADXL345_RANGE_8_G);
  // accel.setRange(ADXL345_RANGE_4_G);

   The MAX72XX is in power-saving mode on startup,
   we have to do a wakeup call
  /* Set the brightness to a medium values */
  /* and clear the display */

void loop(void) 
  /* Get a new sensor event */ 
  sensors_event_t event; 

float xv;
float yv;
float zv;


 * The orientation code
 (|G pz | < 0.5g) AND (G px > 0.5g) AND (|G py | < 0.4g): Change orientation to Top
 (|G pz | < 0.5g) AND (G px < -0.5g) AND (|G py | < 0.4g): Change orientation to Bottom
 (|G pz | < 0.5g) AND (G py > 0.5g) AND (|G px | < 0.4g): Change orientation to Right
 (|G pz | < 0.5g) AND (G py < -0.5g) AND (|G px | < 0.4g): Change orientation to Left.
|x| means the absoulute value of x
ADXL345 sensor gives results in ms^2 but thr formula above requires result in g force so you need to convert the g values
Conversion source online conversion calculator: 


if ((abs(zv)  < 4.9) && (xv > 4.9)  && (abs(yv)  < 3.9)) {rotate_display('t');} //Change orientation to Top
if ((abs(zv)  < 4.9) && (xv < -4.9) && (abs(yv)  < 3.9)) {rotate_display('b');} //Change orientation to Bottom
if ((abs(zv)  < 4.9) && (yv > 4.9)  && (abs(xv)  < 3.9)) {rotate_display('r');} //Change orientation to Right
if ((abs(zv)  < 4.9) && (yv < -4.9) && (abs(xv)  < 3.9)) {rotate_display('l');} //Change orientation to Left.

}// Loop end

// My functions
void rotate_display(char my_direction)
  case 't':lc.setLed(0,7,4,true);lc.setLed(0,6,3,true);lc.setLed(0,6,5,true);break;//
  case 'b':lc.setLed(0,0,4,true);lc.setLed(0,1,3,true);lc.setLed(0,1,5,true);break;//
  case 'r':lc.setLed(0,4,7,true);lc.setLed(0,3,6,true);lc.setLed(0,5,6,true);break;///
  case 'l':lc.setLed(0,4,0,true);lc.setLed(0,3,1,true);lc.setLed(0,5,1,true);break;//




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